Caring for boxes when you don't have humidor space

It was probably a dumb decision to order cigars that I do not have homes for. But I just couldn't pass up some good deals. I have three boxes on the way containing 60 cigars and my humidors and jars are maxed out.
How can I care for these without ruining them? Can I just leave the seal on them and keep them until I get space? Or can I open them and put 2-3 humi-care pillows in each box? All three boxes are from premium companies and are made of Spanish Cedar. They should retain moisture well. Will a couple of pillows keep them moist until I smoke them or humidor space frees up?
How can I care for these without ruining them? Can I just leave the seal on them and keep them until I get space? Or can I open them and put 2-3 humi-care pillows in each box? All three boxes are from premium companies and are made of Spanish Cedar. They should retain moisture well. Will a couple of pillows keep them moist until I smoke them or humidor space frees up?
She has although, authorized the purchase of a humidor cabinet up to $1500 when finances are better. As long as the final look of the cabinet goes through her. I guess I will start to look for some air tight storage bins for my boxes and I will load up on the humi pillows and humi tubes.