Who DOESN'T have to go outside to smoke your cigars?

I don't mind going outside to smoke, I enjoy being outdoors. The only thing is that if the weather is bad, I can't smoke one. I only have steps and eves above my head, so if it's raining, it's a no go. Who here has the pleasure of an outside but enclosed area, or can even smoke inside? Tell me about your smoking area, I'm really interested in what you have to say about it.
Thats 20 more. ;o)
Whoop, Wait a sec, was just overruled by the committee, Icpleel and the Cartel. Yes it counts.
I will not be made uncomfortable while enjoing a cigar...it's my house too. The best part is that my bride of 36 years not only doesn't give me a hard time, but is very supportive - as long as I insure that there will be no lingering or accumulative smoke odor in the house. That's only fair, and I'm good with it.
Me, too. I prefer to be outside but if it's too windy or cold I have a recliner, reading lamp, heater, etc. in my garage. Not as nice as outdoors but it'll do.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It was a Macanudo Cru Royale... I told him I'm a Firefighter, it's a controlled burn.