# of A. Fuente Blends

I recently was looking at all my A. Fuente Cigars and I was wondering how many blends are there? There aren't many different labels..Green is the original right? How do you tell the blacks, since a couple have em. I'm all confused unless its a GoF, Anejo, Opus
Available in a huge number of sizes. Mild to medium bodied, Cameroon wrapper. Green bottom band:
Rothschild - 4 1/2 x 50
Corona - 5 1/4 x 45
Corona Imperial - 6 1/2 x 46
Canones - 8 1/2 x 52
Churchill - 7 1/4 x 48
Seleccion Privada no.1 - 6 1/4 x 44
Spanish Lonsdale - 6 1/2 x 42
Petit Corona - 5 x 38
One size, 5 wrappers. Filler blend is the same. Cameroon, Maduro, and Claro wrappers are regular releases. The Sungrown and Rosado wrappers are special, limited releases for various occasions. Regular releases have no regular green bottom band. 858 Sungrown has black bottom band, black cloth foot ribbon, and cedar sleeve. Cello on all 858 says FLOR FINA 8-5-8 in gold
Flor Fina 8-5-8 - 6 1/4 x 47
Series of sizes, available in several wrappers (Maduro, Connecticut, or Sungrown). Also contains several cigars with a special blend/wrapper combo. Different cigars in this line have different bands. Maduro and Connecticut wrappers have green bottom band. Sungrown cigars have black bottom bands. Noted below if more complicated. All have cedar sleeves.
Royal Salute - 7 5/8 x 54
Double Chateau Fuente - 6 3/4 x 50
Chateau Fuente - 4 1/2 x 50
Belicoso - 5 3/4 x 52
Chateau Pyramid - 6 x 52 (Green band, red foot cloth band, cedar, Connecticut wrapper)
King-T - 7 x 49 (Green band, Tubed)
King B - 6 x 55 (Black band, cedar, black foot ribbon. Rosado wrapper from the Olivas. Cello says King B.)
Queen B - 5 1/2 x 50 (black band, red foot ribbon, cedar, Queen B cello, Sungrown wrapper)
Medium filler, bargain cigar. Difference between the Curly Head and the Curly Head deluxe is the appearance (quality of wrapper), and the fact that it has a band.
Curly Head - 6 1/2 x 43
Using what Carlito calls "old school blending" the Magnums represent a milder, sweeter Fuente, with an aged Sungrown Rosado wrapper. Recently there is word of a petit corona size included with limited 100th Anniversary releases. Large, white, red, and gold band that says Rosado Gran Reserva.
Magnum 52 - 5 x 52
Magnum 54 - 6 1/2 x 54
Magnum 56 - 5 5/8 x 56
Magnum 58 - 5 1/4 x 58
Aged fillers, Cameroon wrapper. Medium bodied blend. Black bottom band.
No. 4 - 5 1/8 x 43
No. 3 - 5 1/2 x 44
No. 2 - 6 x 55 (Torpedo)
Robusto - 5 1/4 x 50
Belicoso - 5 3/8 x 52
Double Robusto - 5 3/4 x 52
Presidente - 6 1/2 x 50
Another Medium bodied cigar, using Cameroon wrapper. Originally conceived as a way to resurrect the perfecto shaped cigars Arturo Fuente made... back in the day. Available year round with a Cameroon wrapper, select sizes available a few times a year with Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper, and in really rare cases, Sungrown or Rosado wrappers (sungrown Hemis look JUST like the Cameroon, Rosados have a cedar sleeve, green bottom band, and red foot ribbon). Regular Hemingway releases (including maduro) are all perfectos, and have black bottom bands.
Short Story - 4 x 49
Best Seller - 4 1/2 x 55
Work of Art - 4 7/8 x 60
Signature - 6 x 46
Classic - 7 x 46
Masterpiece - 9 x 52
Untold Story - 7 5/8 x 54 (regularly only available in Maduro, and at holiday release time)
Between the Lines - 4 1/2 x 54 (barber pole, Connecticut Shade and Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro, Holiday release)
In 1998 a Hurrican devastated Chateau de la Fuente, and wiped out much of the Opus X wrapper crop... so they adjusted the blend, and used an aged Connecticut Maduro wrapper, finished in Cognac barrels. All but the "Shark" are cedar wrapped, with white bottom bands that say Anejo, and red foot ribbons. A holiday release, in small numbers. Cellophane says RESERVA XTRA VIEJO on it in gold letters.
No. 46 - 5 5/8 x 46
No. 50 - 5 1/4 x 50
No. 55 - 6 x 55 (Pyramid)
No. 60 - 6 1/4 x 48
No. 48 - 7 x 48
No. 49 - 7 5/8 x 49
The jewel in Fuente's crown, Opus X was originally a project Carlito undertook to prove that great wrapper could be grown in the Dominican Republic, and in my opinion at least, it was a success. First released in 1995, it has been a hit, ever since... but production numbers compared to other Fuente cigars are limited. Released to the market usually at Father's Day and Christmas time. Band is distinctive as hell. Honestly, I don't want to list all 5000000 sizes of Opus X. Look it up.
Not really a "Fuente" cigar as much as it is a contract cigar made in conjunction with Prometheus, a high end Humidor, lighter, cutter, etc. company. Released annually, there are two regular God of Fire blends, one blended by Carlos Fuente Sr, which uses Dominican filler and binder, and an Ecuador Rosado wrapper, and one from his son Carlito Fuente, which uses an aged Cameroon wrapper around Dominican filler and binder. A variety of sizes are released annually in both blends, though there is usually no vitola overlap between the two blends. Band is red and gold, with a detailed color image of Prometheus (of Greek mythology fame) being tormented, lashed to the mountain, with an Eagle eating his liver.
Another contract cigar made by Fuente for Prometheus. This time with either a dark Ecuador Sungrown wrapper, or a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. Aside from the darker wrappers, the second band is black and says Serie B.
In 2004, Andy Garcia shot the film The Lost City, and asked the Fuentes to allow scenes set in tobacco fields to be shot at Chateau de la Fuente. Problem? Already harvested tobacco... So they planted a new crop in time for it to be fully grown for the film shooting. Once finished, they went ahead and harvested the tobacco, aged it, and found that it was actually pretty good, despite having been grown in the off season. They further aged the tobacco, and rolled it in a series of vitolas, and sold them with Forbidden X bands (albeit, colored differently. The big X is red on regular Forbidden X cigars, while it is Black on Lost City cigars) and a second "LOST CITY" band. When first released, two sizes, the lancero and the love affair, were banded with red bands, rather than black, and did not actually contain any of the Lost City crop (rather they were just regular Opus X cigars in special sizes). My understanding is that the most recent release, which now have regular black Lost City bands, are "actual" lost city cigars.
Double Robusto - 5 3/4 x 52
Lancero - 7 1/2 x 41
Love Affair - 4 5/8 x 52
New Perfecto - 7 x 44 (nipple tipped, round head, long perfecto vitola)
Pyramide - 6 x 52
Robusto - 5 1/4 x 50
Toro - 6 3/4 x 48
A special blend released only for sale at Casa Fuente at the Forum Shops in Las Vegas (and occasionally at Fuente events at places like Holt's, which the Fuentes have some connection to), the Casa Fuente line is a tweaked Opus X blend, that uses an aged Cameroon wrapper. All have the Casa Fuente band, and an orange foot ribbon. Cellophane on all cigars except the Lancero also say Casa Fuente on them in gold. Lancero and Double Robusto come cedar sleeved. The Lancero is something special, as it is not a regularly available cigar at Casa (though it seems to be there MOST of the time), and buyers are limited to 2 singles per day, unless of course they have the correct bribes for the manager, and know the secret handshake. In some rare, planetary alignment like moments, entire bundles of lanceros have been sold, for around 500 bucks.
Double Corona - 7 5/8 x 49
Churchill - 7 x 47
Pyramid No. 2 - 6 3/8 x 52
Belicosos Finos - 5 5/8 x 52
Double Robusto - 5 3/4 x 52
Corona Gorda - 5 5/8 x 46
Robusto - 5 1/4 x 50
Lancero - 7 1/2 x 41 (limited availability)
So I guess that was a really long winded way of saying that three different lines use the black bottom band. The way to tell them apart is that ALL Hemingways are perfectos, all Sungrowns have a cedar sleeve and black foot ribbon, and the Don Carlos line uses the black band, has no perfectos, and uses no ribbons or cedar sleeves. Anyway, hopefully this basic guide to Fuente is helpful to someone, some time.
Thanks brother.
who needs photos when we have you, the fuente encyclopedia
Reserva has green on the bottom of the band
Sungrown is black on the botom of the band with a black ribbon
Shade grown is green on the botom of the band with a green ribbon
Anejo has a cream bottom and a red band and also says anejo
Don Carlos has black on the botom of the band and no ribbon
the hemmingway is the only one that is confusing. it has the same set up as the Don Carlos, but they are all a perfecto vitola of various sizes.
ESG fits that bill, IMO. It even uses a sungrown version of the Opus X Rosado wrapper (with a VSG filler blend).
That is Awesome!!!!. I'm printing that out and putting in my "cigar area". Awesome job Doc!
As for the Blend, here it is from Vitolas.net
Wrapper: Aged Opus X Rosado wrapper
Binder: ?? unknown
Filler: Don Carlos Edicion de Anniversario blend