How long have you been collecting ammo?

I can't wait till I have enough ammo to destroy a fellow ccom member. I was looking at some of the passes, and I am constantly amazed, not only by everyone's generosity, but also by everyone's selection. I've got probably 30 cigars right now inside a 140 ct humi, with a couple more on their way, so my selection looks sooooo weak compared to what I've seen on here. Which makes me wonder....
How long have you been collecting cigars?
How long have you been collecting cigars?
Have you bought most of your cigars, or have bombs and crazy gifts contributed more?
How many smokes do you think you have?
I cannot imagine that many cigars! Taxes, Classes, and Gasses are taking all my expendable income right now.
I've bought most of mine
I have about 135 right now with some on the way
Thats when my cigar purchasing problem got a lot worse. LOL There are times now that I will purchase a box of cigars, put a date sticker on them and not even consider smoking one til at least a year has gone by.
Most of mine have been purchased, although like others have said on this thread the generosity on these forums can put a serious crunch on the available space in your humidors in a double-quick hurry (ask Salem about that LOL).
Like someone else in this thread said, I will decline to even guesstimate how many cigars are in the collection at this point... but if I had to choose a word to describe the collection, that word would be EXCESSIVE. LOL
I think of it more as holding until I can drop them on some unsuspecting brother, or catch them on fire.
Started almost two years ago and have a 54Qt cooler which is VERY full. Which is why I am starting on my wine-a-dor ASAP! I have bought quite a few, probably more than 65% of the ones I have that are in my personal collection (I'd have to guess around 300-400). But the ones I send out for the DCCC are all donations and I'd say over the last two years, since it's inception, the DCCC has sent out or sponsored HERFs or other events totaling over 3000 cigars, were donations. Again its due in no small part to the generosity of the folks here on Ccom forums. To the point when I had the DC3 shirts made I asked if we could use their logo to promote their forums! Business being what it is though they couldn't allow it... oh well, maybe when we revamp the shirts.
been collecting for 1 year this month.
about 5 months ago i was up to 600-700 sticks. then i realized i only smoke around 20 sticks a month so i decided to trade quantity for quality. no clue how many i have now. but i have gotten rid of at least 200 sticks and only have a 50 ct for trade sticks. the cooler is my smoking humi