
Alright... I know some of you people know a thing or two about cars. So do I.. I know the passenger cars generally have 4 wheels, and that if I don't keep putting gasoline in mine, it will eventually stop working. Aside from that, though, I am utterly incompetent. So I need your help. I realize this is a cigar forum, but I figured y'all were a better shot than the rock climbing forum and the nerds around here I typically hang out with. Besides, I figured we could use a break from the daily "how do I season my humi" and "my analog hygrometer reads 104%" threads to do some real troubleshooting.
So I went out to hop in my car and head out to the post office this morning, but it wouldn't start. Almost like the battery was dead. Odd... I didn't leave the lights on or anything... oh look.. I left a dome light on. Well, this seems pretty straightforward.. I'll just wait 'til the wife is home and jump the car. Piece of cake.
When I opened the hood, the positive terminal on the battery was covered in a lovely blue powder. I assume this is acid that has leaked and dried all over everything. I expected it to be hard, but when I put a screwdriver to it to scrape it away, it was a very soft loose pile of powder. This had obviously just leaked, or this stuff would literally have fallen off the battery as the car moved. This car hasn't driven since Tuesday.
So... is this battery done? Can I just clean off all the acid? With what? I'm sure I want to keep my hands away from the stuff, but what sort of chemical would I use to clean it up? I figure I can get the terminals nice and clean, but do I need to toss this battery and drop in a new one? Little help here!
So I went out to hop in my car and head out to the post office this morning, but it wouldn't start. Almost like the battery was dead. Odd... I didn't leave the lights on or anything... oh look.. I left a dome light on. Well, this seems pretty straightforward.. I'll just wait 'til the wife is home and jump the car. Piece of cake.
When I opened the hood, the positive terminal on the battery was covered in a lovely blue powder. I assume this is acid that has leaked and dried all over everything. I expected it to be hard, but when I put a screwdriver to it to scrape it away, it was a very soft loose pile of powder. This had obviously just leaked, or this stuff would literally have fallen off the battery as the car moved. This car hasn't driven since Tuesday.
So... is this battery done? Can I just clean off all the acid? With what? I'm sure I want to keep my hands away from the stuff, but what sort of chemical would I use to clean it up? I figure I can get the terminals nice and clean, but do I need to toss this battery and drop in a new one? Little help here!
... but i did spent the night at a holiday in express...
not hard at all just make sure you have the pos and neg hooked up right- doesn,t take but a minute and a wrench
The old battery was the original in the 2000 Accord. I'd say I got my money's worth.
Oh Yeah---you got yo moneys worth
I wouldn't expect Sears to charge me for the installation. I'd rather hope they'd charge the car.
apparently not.. I got mostly negative responses.
yeah i got it just a screwey day
Then I assume the battery on this thread is dead
Ouch....that's gonna leave a mark ....