For those of us who are new, do you research the cigar you will smoke?

Before I smoke any cigar, I first go to and read what they have to say about it. Sometimes I will find info other places on the web. I just want to learn about the different cigars and I want to know what to expect beforehand. Sometimes I don't always experience what they say, sometimes I do. I do love to read about the history of the cigar too. In this way, I will learn about the cigars and remember them for the next time. I know you aficionados don't have to worry about this as you already know about them. Any other noobs do this?
It would be sacreligious if I didn't...
Guess I should also say I only do this for a stick I've never had or not had many of, or something I haven't had in a while. I just like to try to pick out some of the nuances that are brought up in the review, compare/contrast, see if I agree or disagree etc. It's definitely a good thing to do to help develop your palate.
+1. I start with some research, usually on the forum since I respect the opinion of everyone here, then take notes after smoking said cigar. This helps me keep track of the "must have another of these" and the dog rockets that happen to sneak in.
When I was new to the hobby, I used to go do research AFTER I'd smoked something, in order to get a better handle of what I like and what I dont as far as wrappers, strengths, countries of manufacture, etc. After a while of doing that, I got a much better handle of what was likely to be a winner for me.