Are you deleting them from the server they are stored on?
No. They just seem to disapear. I'm using Photo Bucket. Ever have any trouble with this host?
I use photobucket exclusively, and have never had a problem with them. The only problems I have posting pictures are from user (me) error. LOL
That was my first thought but I've had to post the same photo three times today on one post. It just vanished. After editing A post does it take A while for the change to take place?
I replaced all the missing photos. One question though. After re-posting the photos do I need to replace each in the quotes posts or can it be done at all ?
even if you delete them from your pictures from where you uploaded them to photobucket they will be gone and show that box, i thought thats why there were not showing too
Sorry I didn't take the time to look at this thread sooner. I think the issue of images not showing up might be one of two things
1. Your image code could be wrong
2. The source of the image could be wrong
I have seen your image tag used as IMG in sqare brackets, "[IMG]", and that is not standard HTML which is what this forum uses.
Use the "quote" my post to view the html I used to load an image, and use the proper address of your image inside the section where it says "myimage".
If it's not that, then it has to be the actual image name that you get when you upload to photobucket. I think they add some numbers to the name so you need to have that exact name so it points to the proper image. Hope that helps.
In my case it did turn out to be human error. I had moved some pictures into A different file system and it would seem that this caused my problems. I guess I should have read the answers A little slower because I misunderstood the difference between deleting and moving files about.
No. They just seem to disapear. I'm using Photo Bucket. Ever have any trouble with this host?
That was my first thought but I've had to post the same photo three times today on one post. It just vanished. After editing A post does it take A while for the change to take place?
I have seen your image tag used as IMG in sqare brackets, "[IMG]", and that is not standard HTML which is what this forum uses.
Use the "quote" my post to view the html I used to load an image, and use the proper address of your image inside the section where it says "myimage".
If it's not that, then it has to be the actual image name that you get when you upload to photobucket. I think they add some numbers to the name so you need to have that exact name so it points to the proper image. Hope that helps.