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My Father Le Bijou

AugustWestAugustWest Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 62
I bought a My Father Le Bijou at my B&M back in September and have been saving it for a special occasion. I got it out tonight, looked it over (flawless construction, nice pre-light draw, all that), cut it and lit it up. I immediately got hot, bitter, metallic smoke. I took a drink of ice water to clear things a bit, and tried again. Same thing, hot, bitter, metallic...I just let it go out. I had a similar experience with the only other Pepin Garcia stick I've ever had (a San Cristobal). Did I get bad luck with my only 2 Pepin sticks I've ever had? I've read reviews all over that rave about his stuff, I just don't get it.


  • spindriftspindrift Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 818
    Sometimes the Pepin's transition...IMHO you should not give up...There are a number of factors that may or may not explain your experience...Do you typically smoke connies, habanos, maduros, etc...What did you have to eat prior to...What were you drinking at the time...What RH do you keep your sticks at...So many variables...The LB and the SC are typically considered full bodied smokes...Do you normally smoke that type...Did you get past the first 1/2 inch or so, or just put it down...Interesting that you used the word "metallic", I don't think that has happened to me with any smoke...
  • oldsoulrevivaloldsoulrevival Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 630
    I know what I am about to say is blasphemous around here, but I don't like the Le Bijou. Both my friend and I were entirely underwhelmed with such a hyped cigar.
  • jr_p951jr_p951 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,121
    Awww man. That sounds pretty bad. I love the Le Bijou...and the San Cristobals! My Father is one of my favorite lines!! I highly encourage you to not give up! Pepin makes some good stuff and I really enjoy his line.
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
    Man I recently bought a box of LB corona gordas and just smoked the first one. I thought it was awesome and am really happy with the buy.
  • AugustWestAugustWest Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 62
    Thanks for the input, brothers. I'm not going to give up, I just can't close the book on Don Pepin like that. I usually smoke stronger stuff JdN Antano's, Oliva V's, Perdomo maduros...not like I'd go from a Macanudo or a Montesino to a Pepin Garcia. I just never had this intense metallic taste before. Not a mineral taste like you get from real Cubans, I actually think that's pleasant once in a while. And the San Cristobal knocked me on my a**. I had the biggest nic buzz I've ever had, wasn't expecting that at all. Didn't get that with the My Father.
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    I'm not a big fan of the Le Bijou either, so don't feel bad. I do, however, love the original My Father blend. I also will admit that I have had some issues with some my father cigars having serious construction issues (like, dowel rod plugging, and even some major ammonia issues, like almost vomit inducing, just the smell). It happens though, as these are hand made products, made with natural components, and nature is a *** sometimes. *** happens.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    I've had a couple of Le Bijous that were not so good, harsh and bitter. I really feel age will do this blend well, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2+ years. Now, I don't know that metallic would be fixed, sometimes you just get a dud and there's no fixing it, but don't give up on it...if you don't like the blend, it is what it is, but do yourself a favor and give it a second chance before forming an opinion.
  • AugustWestAugustWest Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 62
    I think I'll buy a Le Bijou and age it for a while...one more cigar in my aging stock isn't going to break the bank. I'm pretty new to this forum, you can see my post count. I'm grateful to have so many people so generously sharing input in this community.
  • fuentejpsfuentejps Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 345
    I Love the my father line the lb included. age really does them all good thou, especially the LB.
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Found that a full meal was required to really enjoy the LB, with the other My fathers it was easy to just light one up!!
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