Whoa...the spice cherry is gone!

I got my first decent sized order yesterday...the Oliveros Kopi Luwak was awesome! It was as sweet a smoke as I was hoping for. However, in my order I also got an Oliveros Sample pack for getting a box of Kopi Luwaks. I decided today I would try one of the samples, Oliveros Eight Zero, and boy what an experience. Rolled that joker in my fingers...snipped the tip...took a few pre-light puffs...then fired it up. Took a few puffs of it and all seemed to be going well...then I exhaled through the nose and thought I was going to die it burned so bad. Just as if I got hit with pepper...my passages opened up...and I was like WOW. So I naturally did it again...and again...seemed to get used to it as I did it more and really started to like the taste of this thing. I actually got a small buzz off this joker and as I said before in a previous post...I am paralyzed...yet felt my toes after I smoked this. So, all praise the 80...it restores ya :P
I'm trying my first Ambrosia Spice this morning, as we speak. It's pretty mild in body and the spices aren't real heavy. I like it so far but it probably won't make it to my 'buy again' list.