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Smoke 'em or Let 'em Rest?

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,121
Just put in an order for some 2007 GoF Don Carlos. I've never had them so I figured its time. I think everyone who truely smokes cigars should sample the super premium lines, even if its just one. Friday I had my first Opus X and absolutley loved it. Maybe I should stay away from pricey cigars. Keep in mind I am a smoker, not a collector. Truthfully, I never spend this much on cigars. I can't afford to smoke the super premium stuff! But seeing that its my bday...I sprang for a pair. One for me and one for a friend. My question is...should I let them rest for a while or are they ready ROTT?

Also...the 2007...is that the year rolled or the year harvested? Being a super premium cigar, I could see how 2007 would apply to both situations.

Oh...and the guy getting the other GoF, gave me that Opus X.


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    Sounds like a "win -win" situation, and Happy BDay!

    As for when to smoke them, I'd say let them rest a week or so. Sometimes the temps and in shipping can be way hot or cold, so the sticks might need a few days to even out. It can get pretty hot in the back of a delivery truck, or up north here it can be way bellow freezing. With less expensive sticks, you could take the chance. With premiums, do it right.
    Enjoy those cigars!

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    For me, When I bought my 2006's (2 years ago for my birthday) I was advised to let them rest. But, I know they are good ROTT as well. In this situation, I would by two. One to smoke and one to keep (afterall it is your birthday). Thats me. Next year if someone asks what you want, ask for a G.C. and make it a thing every year to buy one (or 2 super premiums if you're like me). Smoke one. Keep one.
    Not sure about the dating. Doc will know.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    The date on the band is the year the cigars were actually rolled.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    The GoFs never felt like something that needed a lot of time, to me. A few weeks to get over traveling is about all I would give them.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    Just put in an order for some 2007 GoF Don Carlos. I've never had them so I figured its time. I think everyone who truely smokes cigars should sample the super premium lines, even if its just one. Friday I had my first Opus X and absolutley loved it. Maybe I should stay away from pricey cigars. Keep in mind I am a smoker, not a collector. Truthfully, I never spend this much on cigars. I can't afford to smoke the super premium stuff! But seeing that its my bday...I sprang for a pair. One for me and one for a friend. My question is...should I let them rest for a while or are they ready ROTT?

    Also...the 2007...is that the year rolled or the year harvested? Being a super premium cigar, I could see how 2007 would apply to both situations.

    Oh...and the guy getting the other GoF, gave me that Opus X.

    If I remember correctly that is the yeR they were rolled. I have some 2004 and 2005 that I got in 2007. I still have the boxes too which has the sticker that tells you when they were released.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    They're aged 2 years before shipping, no need to age further. Need is the operative word there, I do not believe they will go downhill with a little age, which means they might improve and if you can afford to pick up an extra to try that out, do it (not at the cost of your friend's stick though, of course).
    That doesn't mean they're good to go ROTT, though, I'd always advise a week or so of rest after transport, because they *might* have been affected by the transport in some way you'd notice. Might is the operative word here and with something like a birthday cigar, whether it's a GoF or a yard gar, I wouldn't want to risk a bad experience. But, of couse, especially with a GoF... :D
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    Age definitely improves them.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 181
    Speaking of GoF's, I grabbed a box of 2007 Carlito Churchills on the Sprint sale a week ago.
    Is the humi-pak they came with enough to keep them humidified in the box? My humidor(s) is/are close to capacity and it would be nice to just leave them in their own box.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    Speaking of GoF's, I grabbed a box of 2007 Carlito Churchills on the Sprint sale a week ago.
    Is the humi-pak they came with enough to keep them humidified in the box? My humidor(s) is/are close to capacity and it would be nice to just leave them in their own box.
    From experience, no! It can last for a few weeks or mayeb even a month at most but not months! What I will do sometimes is get a large ziplock bag and put a few humi pillows in there or a jar of gel and put the whole box in the bag.
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