Temperature damage to cigar?
Greetings everyone, I'm Amadameus - new to cigars, as can clearly be seen.
I usually allow the well-stocked tobacconist down my street keep everything in their walk-in humidor (it also smells delicious, and any excuse to go step in there is good enough for me) and pull a cigar or two as I need.
Most of the cigars in their humidor are also cellophane-wrapped, which helps to keep them from drying as they wait in my *** pocket during the trip to my location of choice. However, on some rare occasions my plans change, and I simply set the (still wrapped in cellophane) cigar on the dash of my car to wait until I have time to smoke it.
My question is, it gets quite cold up here in Wisconsin. So does my car, so do those cigars. Since they're wrapped in plastic I can't see them being damaged as far as humidity, but can cold temperatures damage a cigar? I've noticed they cut much worse.
Best regards to all and happy smoking!
I have a Pelican container as well (compliments of rdnstn) and I use it every day at my office---a great little cigar holder that works great with a water pillow. You def need to invest in one of these. Leaving it to chance in the cold like that is just wasting money and hampering what may be a great smoking experience, and you won't be able to tell the smokes real flavor and what you really like or dislike....JMHO ...
beyond that the guys above me gave great advice.
cigar.com sells a travel humidor here. its a good travel humi. I have the large version
....works like a dream.
after i fixed it...