
Can anyone suggest what kind of cooler I should get to make a coolidor? Any particular brand or style I should look at? and how about beads and other things I would need to make this work? I'm trying to do this right the first time because I'm very OCD and if it's not done right the first time I usually give up on it. Thanks for any help!
I bought this cooler
After much research, I decided to go for it doing the "on-the-fly" method, using the KL without any "training". I made five 1/4lb. KL trays, shallow, covered with pantyhose.
I set those in the cooler, along with 6 full cigar boxes (which came from a RH stable environment) and multiple plastic trays with loose sticks (also from a stable environment) totaling about 250+ cigars...there's still quite a bit of room in the cooler.
I put it all in there (the KL being dry), and waited 12 hours, RH was at 58%. Moderately misted one of the KL trays. 12 hours later, RH at 62%. Moderately misted a second tray. 12 hours later, RH at 65%. Did nothing. 12 hours later, RH at 68%. Did nothing.
It is now 72 hours later, RH still holding at 67/68%.
It's still very early in the game, but I'm a happy camper.
Very easy and cheap for me to set-up additional coolers now, which I'm sure I'll be doing sooner than later.
As a separate exercise, I am "training" 1/2 pound of KL using humicare pillows (67%), just to see if it works.
This worked for me. Your mileage may vary.