Ok, since Bernie Madoff is now convicted and admited to all the shady s**t he did, what do all you guys think the judge should pass down as a sentence? Keep in mind the maximum he can get is 150 years.
Yea, 10 years of gettin his 70 something year old ass pounded would be BAAAD!!! haha I doubt he would even make it out alive. The sad part is that he will be in a "Martha Stewart" type prison with tennis courts. I hope he rots in there!
Is OJ even rich anymore? As for Madoff, a year and a half of being a 400 pound gangbanger named Tank's girlfriend might be enough of a punishment. That or go with Hitler's punishment in Little Nicky, a pineapple a day shoved where the sun don't shine.
Screw prison time, I say give each person he financially destroyed 15min locked in a room together, and say "ok, u got 15min...feel free to do anything you want". lol
I don't see why a public stoning is out of the question...and no, not the kind that leaves him lazy and looking for munchies. The man ruined people's lives, anything less than the ruination of his own life is letting him off too easy. My two cents anyhow, probably not worth the grain of salt it should be taken with.