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The TSA Is Coming To A Highway Near You

jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
here we go >> link CLICKHERE


  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    So they suck at their current limited job..what makes them think expanding will make them better? I've carried a knife onto an airplane on 3 separate occasions (Forgot them in my bag).
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    So they suck at their current limited job..what makes them think expanding will make them better? I've carried a knife onto an airplane on 3 separate occasions (Forgot them in my bag).
    And now the FBI is tracking your ass.

  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    Meh they'll just see my stock in fertilizer companies, my recent purchase of MOW Side projects, and my constant netflix dvd shipments.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Yup, got to love it. More wasted tax dollars at work and more random body searches. Might as well make it so that if you want to leave the state you'll have to go through searches. Hell we should all live in security zones, so if we want to leave or come home we have to be searched and prodded. F*uck, why not just have us all live in cells and get it over with.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    ... and I wonder how many jobs and projects all the money HOMeland and the TSA and our stupid wars could get us. I mean wtf!? All this money for this crap but hell, no money for anything else or our people and getting this country out of the 20th century and begin to move into the 21st. Nope got to spend all of our "borrowed" money on bombs and subsides to corporations for imprisoning us. The GOP started this sh*it, but the democrats don't do anything about it. It's all F*ucked up!
  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    ... and I wonder how many jobs and projects all the money HOMeland and the TSA and our stupid wars could get us. I mean wtf!? All this money for this crap but hell, no money for anything else or our people and getting this country out of the 20th century and begin to move into the 21st. Nope got to spend all of our "borrowed" money on bombs and subsides to corporations for imprisoning us. The GOP started this sh*it, but the democrats don't do anything about it. It's all F*ucked up!
    Customs and Border Patrol should take over. Way better at not letting illegal things get passed their checkpoints.
  • Un_SubUn_Sub Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 210
    I think it is simply a problem of the TSA not getting to grope enough people in the airports, So now we can get groped on the streets as well. STRANGER DANGER, STRANGER DANGER!!!
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I don't think the Congressman is actually all that concerned with an expanded TSA presence, it's just that he wants them to undergo military training, so we can have proper State Security forces with military efficiency and thoroughness overseeing the great unwashed, insuring our safety from all dangers, both foreign and domestic.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    the tsa is the new ss
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    the tsa is the new ss
    That is an insult to all those who were murdered, burned, tortured, and butchered by the SS in the name of racial purity for the Master Race.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    the tsa is the new ss
    Godwins law...
  • taythegibstaythegibs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,024
    This makes me mad, if i am approached by one of these TSO's outside of an airport then i will be on my phone calling the police to have a REAL officer there. In my opinion this is the same as giving Barty the Mall Cop the ability to participate in high speed pursuits, it is something that the TSA is way out of their league trying to do. My Jeep was bought and paid for by me, it is an extension of my home (i dont care if the law some places says differently) and i will not have some random ole Joe going through it but i will GLADLY let a fully trained Police Officer search it if they have any reason to, i do not have anything illegal in it.

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    the tsa is the new ss
    Godwins law...
    Precisely because such a comparison or reference may sometimes be appropriate, Godwin has argued that overuse of Nazi and Hitler comparisons should be avoided, because it robs the valid comparisons of their impact.
  • Un_SubUn_Sub Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 210
    Wow, He's smart!!!
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Wow, just wow.
    Maybe I don't keep up with the news enough....but are we, the public, in so much danger that we need the TSA to perform these random checkpoints on the interstate.

    I think Scarlin has the right idea....if there's such a big threat of these "terrorists" on the loose in the country, perhaps we need to revamp Customs and Border Patrol so they stop the terrorists and their weapons from getting here in the first place.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Wow, just wow.
    Maybe I don't keep up with the news enough....but are we, the public, in so much danger that we need the TSA to perform these random checkpoints on the interstate.

    I think Scarlin has the right idea....if there's such a big threat of these "terrorists" on the loose in the country, perhaps we need to revamp Customs and Border Patrol so they stop the terrorists and their weapons from getting here in the first place.

    Search This m1m ....... dang man ...thats pitiful ....is there no better way to shoot someone a "internet bird " than that ???
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Not surprising to me at all. I have some buddies pretty high in DHS that told me years ago that the direction TSA was moving, in terms of roadway transportation, was to ultimately take over the state run DMV systems. The problem sited was that there was not enough info shared from state to state and that TSA would eventually replace the DMV. God this was 8 years ago that they were telling me this.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Wow, just wow.
    Maybe I don't keep up with the news enough....but are we, the public, in so much danger that we need the TSA to perform these random checkpoints on the interstate.

    I think Scarlin has the right idea....if there's such a big threat of these "terrorists" on the loose in the country, perhaps we need to revamp Customs and Border Patrol so they stop the terrorists and their weapons from getting here in the first place.

    Search This m1m ....... dang man ...thats pitiful ....is there no better way to shoot someone a "internet bird " than that ???
    ???... I don't know what you mean, gmill.
    Not trying to be rude or start an argument with anyone, I was simply asking if others reading this article & thread feel that the TSA presence on our highways is necessary since police officers already patrol the roads and have truck inspection stations.

    Please clarify what you meant or point me in the right direction if I missed something.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Wow, just wow.
    Maybe I don't keep up with the news enough....but are we, the public, in so much danger that we need the TSA to perform these random checkpoints on the interstate.

    I think Scarlin has the right idea....if there's such a big threat of these "terrorists" on the loose in the country, perhaps we need to revamp Customs and Border Patrol so they stop the terrorists and their weapons from getting here in the first place.

    Search This m1m ....... dang man ...thats pitiful ....is there no better way to shoot someone a "internet bird " than that ???
    ???... I don't know what you mean, gmill.
    Not trying to be rude or start an argument with anyone, I was simply asking if others reading this article & thread feel that the TSA presence on our highways is necessary since police officers already patrol the roads and have truck inspection stations.

    Please clarify what you meant or point me in the right direction if I missed something.

    Oh no brother please don't take it the wrong way , I am with you 100% this was not directed at you . Giving the TSA the finger was what I was doing . I don't think they should have police powers on interstates . If they are allowed to do this , what agency is next to jump on board and infringe on individual rights in the name of homeland security ? What will the government come up with next to protect us from so they can watch our every move ? I personally think the govt has too much to say about our lives now . If they would concentrate on inflicting the terrorists they catch with the proper punishment and do it swiftly instead of all the BS about worrying if something is politically correct or whose feelings they might hurt we could curb a lotta this terrorist sh!t anyway . Swift destruction of the individuals involved and their home bases , you leave us and our real allies alone , we leave you alone . You f**k with us , you'll never see it coming , blow their arses back to the stone age .

    All good jgibv , as I stated before , nothing to do with you bro ... the govt just really pi**es me off sometime !!! Long Ashes Bro . Gene
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Oh no brother please don't take it the wrong way , I am with you 100% this was not directed at you . Giving the TSA the finger was what I was doing . I don't think they should have police powers on interstates . If they are allowed to do this , what agency is next to jump on board and infringe on individual rights in the name of homeland security ? What will the government come up with next to protect us from so they can watch our every move ? I personally think the govt has too much to say about our lives now . If they would concentrate on inflicting the terrorists they catch with the proper punishment and do it swiftly instead of all the BS about worrying if something is politically correct or whose feelings they might hurt we could curb a lotta this terrorist sh!t anyway . Swift destruction of the individuals involved and their home bases , you leave us and our real allies alone , we leave you alone . You f**k with us , you'll never see it coming , blow their arses back to the stone age .

    All good jgibv , as I stated before , nothing to do with you bro ... the govt just really pi**es me off sometime !!! Long Ashes Bro . Gene
    Agreed Gene, catch the bad guys on their turf and hit them hard. Dont mess with us amd we wont mess with you, thats a great idea. And if nothing else let's rethink the border patrol/customs agencies so they can keep these "bad guys" and their weapons from entering the country in the first place.
    Giving the TSA more authority is not the answer. This is just going to inconvenience all of the regular folks, and hurt the economy further. It's the truckers who keep this country running, and slowing them down is only going to cause frustrations and higher prices on consumer products...lMHO
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Oh no brother please don't take it the wrong way , I am with you 100% this was not directed at you . Giving the TSA the finger was what I was doing . I don't think they should have police powers on interstates . If they are allowed to do this , what agency is next to jump on board and infringe on individual rights in the name of homeland security ? What will the government come up with next to protect us from so they can watch our every move ? I personally think the govt has too much to say about our lives now . If they would concentrate on inflicting the terrorists they catch with the proper punishment and do it swiftly instead of all the BS about worrying if something is politically correct or whose feelings they might hurt we could curb a lotta this terrorist sh!t anyway . Swift destruction of the individuals involved and their home bases , you leave us and our real allies alone , we leave you alone . You f**k with us , you'll never see it coming , blow their arses back to the stone age .

    All good jgibv , as I stated before , nothing to do with you bro ... the govt just really pi**es me off sometime !!! Long Ashes Bro . Gene
    Agreed Gene, catch the bad guys on their turf and hit them hard. Dont mess with us amd we wont mess with you, thats a great idea. And if nothing else let's rethink the border patrol/customs agencies so they can keep these "bad guys" and their weapons from entering the country in the first place.
    Giving the TSA more authority is not the answer. This is just going to inconvenience all of the regular folks, and hurt the economy further. It's the truckers who keep this country running, and slowing them down is only going to cause frustrations and higher prices on consumer products...lMHO

    I am in agreement !
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