6 year old cigars

I have some cigars about six years old that have been kept in cigar boxes but not a humidor. Most of them have been in a Florida three seasons room, usually very humid conditions. I was wondering if someone here could tell me if these are still good to smoke?
They're very dry, but still holding together well. One of the brands still has a nice aroma but have small pin like holes on them. Most of them have been stored without wrappers. Is there any concern over mold or mildew having contaminated the cigars? They appear to be fine. I have some of those humidifying cards that you soak in distilled water that I was thinking of using in a zip loc bag. Thanks.
They're very dry, but still holding together well. One of the brands still has a nice aroma but have small pin like holes on them. Most of them have been stored without wrappers. Is there any concern over mold or mildew having contaminated the cigars? They appear to be fine. I have some of those humidifying cards that you soak in distilled water that I was thinking of using in a zip loc bag. Thanks.
I would second this motion !!!
Thank you