To our SOTL's? Salem, IrishAJ, Katt..... Haven't seen any posts from any of them lately. Ya s'pose we grossed 'em out with our maleness? Or maled 'em out with our grossness? LOL :-)
Last I heard anything out of Salem, she was fighting her way thru an illness a while back. Sent her a pm a couple days ago to see how she was feeling but havent gotten anything back yet. Hope all is well, was nice having such an enthusiastic noob around here.
The sentiment is shared by myself as well regarding Salem's health. As for IrishAJ, Amanda is doing well she's just been very busy lately working at PokerSlob's resteraunt helping with the final few days before it opens up and doing a lot of admin stuff for them as well, and was swamped this past week doing a lot of birthday planning and prep work for me and my/her grandfather since his bday was the day after mine. In fact her and I are headed up there tomorrow again for some of the final piecework and to possibly have a stick or two with him in celebration. She's still been on the forum and reading, just hasn't posted lately, but I promise she's doing great
I noticed Salem on-line recently, but she was gone by the time I could PM her. I hope all the lovely SoTL are doing fine and can manage to put up with our dudeishness.