And, speaking of hummers (we were, a few posts back) I'm out on the patio with a stogie as we speak and I was just buzzed by the first (to my knowledge) hummer of the season. Probably wondering why I don't have the feeders out yet. It seems a bit early for their return migration but I'll get the feeders out, clean 'em up, fill 'em, and hang 'em out for the little beggars. At least they don't spill seed all over the ground and they're nice to have around.
Good photo. Down here they advise us to take our feeders down for winter to encourage migration. This is the first year I did so. In previous years we had hummers year 'round. I don' t know which way is best.
I take mine down in the winter so it doesn't freeze and crack, but this little hummer has imprinted my yard and become a fixture. I guess migration is too much for him.