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Joz3r is a One Man Wrecking Crew!!!

90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
A few days ago I put out a thread searching for some Tat's that I hadn't had a chance to try and was looking for. Well several brothers responded with one of them being Joe. He had sent me a PM saying that he had put together a package and was sending it my way, to which I asked how I could make it square with him, his reply; "Oh sorry that I gave you the wrong idea, I'm bombing your azz and there is nothing you can do about it..."
Yeah.... it hurt. Joe your generosity is INCREDIBLE and I don't deserve this one bit, but thank you so very much regardless!!! The Bolivar looks incredible, and Lancero's are one of my favorite sizes around, I can't tell you how pysched I am to light these bad boys up!! Thank you Joe, I won't forget this ever! Oh and sorry for the crappy pics, only have the iPhone 3G camera right now :(




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