Need some ideas for getting beads to top of humi
So I have a wineador, and the amount of water it produces is enough to keep the RH around 70% - I don't even need a humidifier. Problem is, I want the RH to drop down to around 65%.
Now, I have about 2 lbs of beads in the bottom, but they don't seem to be doing the job; what I'd like to do is space them throughout the humi, especially on top, to absorb that excess humidity.
Anyone have any ideas how to gerry rig something to spread the beads out? I'd like something a little classier than a pair of panty hose though
Now, I have about 2 lbs of beads in the bottom, but they don't seem to be doing the job; what I'd like to do is space them throughout the humi, especially on top, to absorb that excess humidity.
Anyone have any ideas how to gerry rig something to spread the beads out? I'd like something a little classier than a pair of panty hose though

Thanks for the info, Todd. I was gonna use a small hobby drill bit in an exacto handle, but I do have some small nails I can use.
No mold so far on the bottom, just the top, and even then, I only get mold on the cigars out of cello. The ones in cello, even though they were completely surrounded by moldy cigars that had to be thrown out, were totally untouched by the mold thanks to the cello
Take one or two of the rectangular humidifiers that come with the humidor when you purchase it... YES, the ones with the crappy green mold magnet foam inside... and bust it open. This can be accomplished usually by grabbing it in both hands and using a twisting motion. Dont just hulk up on the thing or it may break!
Remove the foam and wash the humidifier body with warm water and dish soap. Dry thoroughly.
Fill the humidifier body up with beads, and use some aquarium glue to re-seal it.
These things usually come with magnets, but the part that "stickies" to the lid usually falls off pretty easily. I suggest using a dab of the aquarium glue on the sticky side of the magnet and attaching it to the lid of your humidor / coolidor. Make sure to give the glue plenty of time to set up before you magnet the humidifier body to it.
Voila! You're finished. In your case, since you're trying to soak up humidity instead of producing it, this should be maintenance free and work very well for you I would think.
Dont have any of the humidifier bodies since, like most of us, you probably pitched that mold growing piece of crap along with the un-calibrate-able analog hygrometer that came with the humidor when you purchased it? No problem - just post a thread asking for them and I bet some folks around here have some laying around that they would be happy to donate or trade with you for. :-)
Hope this helped, and good luck!
For my coolerdor and big humidor, I just use pantyhoes.
Will be sure to post pics when I git er done! :-)