519, and I look forward to doing business with you at some time in the future Rick. Your reputation is strong here and I value your input....and Avo pics every morning lol
292 - No real dealings in the past besides a botched pass by me that took a month to redirect to your correct addy...hopefully we can exchange more in the future!
I choose 213. Although i have not had any dealings with you, you have taken time out of your day to give a mini review on a cigar before ( sadly the i was not able to pull the trigger and grab that box though). Thanks for the contest!
99, if i can. no real dealings in the past other than you answering a few stupid questions of mine, and you just joined in on my Noobings Pass!!! Congrats on the big milestone!
572- Although I have not dealt with you, I know you are a well respected BOTL here and I am glad you decided to continue participate and offer you knowledge to all.