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Want to help me out?

oldsoulrevivaloldsoulrevival Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 630
So, I am throwing an event this weekend (details below) and a cigar store has been AMAZING enough to sponsor the event by giving us cigars for everyone to enjoy during the event.

"The attendees are are the young (20s-30s), driven, up and coming movers and shakers of the D.C. policy world; this event is meant to facilitate, not only networking between people from different think tanks, but also the sharing of ideas." We are hoping that the sponsorship will help push the topic of tobacco and internet sales taxes into the conversation. However, I was thinking about how to even further blow everyone's minds, and the idea of door prizes came to me. Since our funds for the party are pretty much tapped, I thought I might reach out to the community here on CCOM.

If you would like to contribute to an event focused on lovers of liberty and free markets, please send me a PM (TONIGHT) so that we can work out details and shipping for tomorrow morning (or Thursday morning at the VERY latest). I know this is incredibly short notice, and frankly, I doubt I will get a response, but asking for help has seemed to work for me thus far, so why not try it again?

Again, I am looking for DOOR PRIZES. We have our cigars for everyone to smoke, but I would like have a few special prizes for our cigar loving friends, if possible.

ABOUT THE EVENT - This was taken directly from the email I sent to the cigar store to ask for sponsorship:

About the hosts:

My friend and co-worker, Scott Drenkard, work for a DC-based, non-profit think tank called the "Tax Foundation." We educate taxpayers about sound tax policy: advocating lower rates and broader bases, simplified tax codes, and transparency. Our foundation has written extensively on tobacco taxes, as well as internet sales taxes, and news organizations, legislators, etc. all receive our information about these topics on a regular basis.

About the event:

We are hosting an event for folks from several think tanks and internship programs (Tax Foundation, Koch Associate Program, Koch Fellow Program, etc.) which all have a focus on free-markets, liberty, and the general sharing of intellectual ideas. The attendees are are the young (20s-30s), driven, up and coming movers and shakers of the D.C. policy world; this event is meant to facilitate, not only networking between people from different think tanks, but also the sharing of ideas. We are expecting between 40-100 people.

Note: Please know that this party is being paid for by Scott Drenkard and Richard Borean, and no funding is coming from any of the think-tanks or companies previously listed. This strictly a non-professional, networking event, and it is does not, in any way, represent the interests of the Tax Foundation, the Koch Associate program, IHS, etc. This is something Scott and I came up with in order to bring the people we know from our various, liberty-based networks together.


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