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BigT's 3K!! Get ready...

BigT06BigT06 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,899
That's right. I'm about to have my 3,000th post.

It really makes me think back at the past year, and all the fun I've had... so I did some counting earlier...

based on my records, I have received 87 packages and shipped 116. This doesn't count receipts that I lost for shipments, or trades/bombs I forgot to write down (or been too stunned to function after some of the nuke's I've been hit with!). I think it would be very safe to say that at LEAST 1,000 cigars have changed hands between me and my brothers on this forum.

I can assure you, that even though I may have bombed a few more people than I've traded with, I have gotten way more than I have given, or ever could give. The generosity on this forum is simply unmatched. Just a small example: I got no less than EIGHT happy bday bombs last week! I have never wanted something or searched for something and not been taken care of. Even when I have been crazy enough to mention bucket list cigars (not even asking for them, simply mentioning them!) there has been a BOTL hook me up every time. I have cigars now that I literally wouldn't have had the nerve to dream about in my sleep a year ago. And it's due to this place, and the amazing BORKs that make it what it is.

Thank you all. From the bottom of my heart.

To celebrate my 3k post, I have decided to bomb a few folks. I will not reveal who the targets are, and there is not a set number... so if I decide to go apeshit and bomb everybody, that's just gonna be how it is. You can't stop me. When I start the bombings, I will revive the INCOMING!! thread (I haven't updated it in a couple months due to pure laziness, but it will be back!) and everyone can watch the carnage unfold.

Again, thank you to every single brother on this forum that has tolerated me for 3k posts. It's been fun. The next 3k will be even more epic! Stay tuned...


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