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Rip's Cigar Journal



  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Thanks Dustin! This kind of layers of retrohale is magical and rare...very few cigars can deliver. This is a GREAT smoke!
    Don't you just love retrohale that does that man? Gotta love it when you can pull 3-4 flavors out of the retro. Great review Rip.
    I found some for a very good price, I may jump if they are still available after the show.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    How good the price is? Please PM me. I am curious...thanks!
    Thanks Dustin! This kind of layers of retrohale is magical and rare...very few cigars can deliver. This is a GREAT smoke!
    Don't you just love retrohale that does that man? Gotta love it when you can pull 3-4 flavors out of the retro. Great review Rip.
    I found some for a very good price, I may jump if they are still available after the show.
  • VisionVision Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,701
    Rip... You's a cigar BALLAH!

    But seriously... I love reading and get giddy when I see a new post from you in this thread. Thanks as always brother!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Those Davidoff's look like something I'd enjoy. On the fence about getting them .... doh!
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    update: found them!!!8-11 .........these are out, 21.95 each, i didnt want to spend over 10.00 to ship just for 1, if anyone buys a box let me know if you want to sell 1 and ship could be first class a lot cheaper!
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Thanks Peter. How are you doing buddy?
    Rip... You's a cigar BALLAH!

    But seriously... I love reading and get giddy when I see a new post from you in this thread. Thanks as always brother!
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Let me know if you missed them. I can always send you one. Man, I love your city Portland and going to buy a house soon. You live in the friendliest city in the U.S. in my opinion.
    Those Davidoff's look like something I'd enjoy. On the fence about getting them .... doh!
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Did you get any? I am expecting to receive them soon. Let me know if you miss it. I was out of Nicaragua for a month and missed Pepin's call but somehow I managed through a commercial vendor.
    these are out, 21.95 each, i didnt want to spend over 10.00 to ship just for 1, if anyone buys a box let me know if you want to sell 1 and ship could be first class a lot cheaper!
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    Did you get any? I am expecting to receive them soon. Let me know if you miss it. I was out of Nicaragua for a month and missed Pepin's call but somehow I managed through a commercial vendor.
    these are out, 21.95 each, i didnt want to spend over 10.00 to ship just for 1, if anyone buys a box let me know if you want to sell 1 and ship could be first class a lot cheaper!
    found a couple , thanks, any scdlh left , lol
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Ops PM to JJ.
    PM to you
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    Ops PM to JJ.
    PM to you
    got it , thanks
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Smoking another wow. This is even better...the flavor and sweetness is more intense and ripe. I am very close to say that this is the best Nicaraguan Puro in the market. Even better than Padron. If we compare the price vs value than Padron fails to this cigar.

    This cigar has not been released in the market yet. I received couple sticks as a gift from Pepin. I am very honored to have the chance to smoke it before the official release. This year Pepin is going to celebrate 10 years Anniversary. This is not only a simple 10 years in business for him but also his Flor de las Antillas has rated as the no. 1 cigar in 2013 Cigar Aficionado’s yearly rating. How many cigar makers can have a moment like this? He is going to release two lines of 10th Anniversary cigars- first in his own name DPG 10th Anniversary Limited Edition and the second one jointly with Tatuaje to celebrate their last ten years of parallel success in the industry.
    photo Gigante13005_zps543505ba.jpg
    I am happy to review Pepin Garcia’s 10th Anniversary Limited Edition today. I have some idea what is the wrapper, binder and the fillers are but I do not want to steal Pepin's show. I will wait until he reveals officially by himself. This cigar is carefully blended with a selection of aged Nicaraguan tobacco, a specialty tobacco used only in this blend that Pepin is growing in special area on one of his farms, the famed Cuban seed Pelo de Oro tobacco which provides this blend with loads of rich flavor. The wrapper is very obvious, one of his favorite he uses in his limited edition cigars. The wrapper is dark brown coffee color, Many visible veins, and oily. It has no soft spot, feels solid and good in hand. The wrapper has dry woody scent. The foot of the cigar has cedar, mild earth and slight tobacco sweetness. The cold draw is little loose, I can also feel that the cigar is little light compares to the size- it is possible this time Pepin used less tobaccos in the blend. The cold draw has hay, cocoa powder and light sweet chocolaty aroma. Interestingly I am not getting any dry red chili peppery spiciness which I found in most of his cigar. However, while licking my lips, I can feel a mild zing of red chili pepper spiciness. The flavor profile is the combination of earth, cedar, leather, black pepper, cocoa, bitter-sweet chocolate, cappuccino, medium espresso, cinnamon, clove flavors and dried fruity aroma. It also has a toasted almond and rich caramel-mild molasses sweetness at the finish. Most probably, Pepin will officially reveal the cigar in a Grand party in Miami on May, 2013.
    photo Gigante13004_zps7f915e62.jpg photo Gigante13001_zps73065015.jpg
    1/3: it starts with earth, cedar, leather, cocoa, mild cinnamon flavors with serious black pepper blast. This is signature Pepin style which I do not like. During retrohale the spiciness is like red chili pepper through the nose which is unpleasant. It also has a slight harshness and metallic finish at the finish. However, within a inch (approximately 5-6 puffs) of smoke, the cigar performs completely different. The unpleasant overpowering spice, mild harshness and metallic finish completely disappeared. In fact, the strength is mild to medium now. What a twist and something so different in Pepin's blends. It concentrates more into robust flavors and aroma rather than the overpowering signature Pepin spice and strength. Finally, he created a blend with robust flavors and aroma with less strength. A good cigar is not about the power and strength- it is about balanced complex flavors and aroma with long finish. The top of my tongue has a subtle and pleasant zing of black pepper spice, the strength is mild to medium with above flavors and aroma with long finish, I already have a soft tingly feeling around my mouth, the back of my tongue is almost clean. The red peppery overpowering spiciness is gone and taken over by a subtle black peppery spiciness through the nose-wow! What a twist in complexity. I am also detecting a nice sweet dried fruity aroma at the back with a mild caramel sweetness at the finish. This blend is nothing like any other Pepin blends.
    photo Gigante13002_zps5591bfc2.jpg
    2/3: at the beginning of second third, the strength is medium but still smooth without a sign of harshness. Pepin significantly reduced the mightily spicy kick and overpowering strength in this blend which is allowing me to enjoy the complex and balanced flavors and aroma with long finish. The initial cedar, leather flavors have faded away and taken over by a three dimensional complex earthiness with spicy, sweet and musky aroma. Along with three dimensional earthinesses, I am also detecting sweet cocoa, bitter-sweet chocolate, aromatic cinnamon, cappuccino coffee flavors with dried sweet fruity and a mild floral aroma at the back. It also has toasted almond and rich caramel-mild molasses sweetness at the finish. This is simply an awesome smoke. I am enjoying every single puff. It does have some Cuban Partagas series E no. 2 floral aroma. The possibility is the first generation Corojo 98 tobacco. Also the sign of Pepin's highly regarded gem- the Pelo de Oro tobacco. I am more confident to say this because this is my third time I am smoking this cigar. If you take a 2-3 years aged Padron Family Reserve 45th cigar, just simply add two more points in complexity, flavors and aroma with super long finish. This is definitely my top three Nicaraguan cigars. A little aging will eliminate the initial 1/3 harshness and mild metallic finish completely. This cigar is all about flavors and aroma rather than overpowering strength and spice. The smoke is extremely complex with layers and layers of balanced flavors and aroma with super long finish. My mouth is filled with subtle tingly feeling. The smoke is not thick but very smooth and lush. The delicate black peppery spiciness through the nose is very enjoyable. This cigar has all the quality of Davidoff musky earthiness but with more robust Nicaraguan flavors and aroma. I am in love with this cigar.
    photo Gigante13003_zpsfdc35475.jpg
    Final/3: Again, the strength is moving around mild to medium and medium in strength which allowing me to enjoy the complex flavors and aroma more precisely. The 2/3 complete flavor profile is still there but added with medium espresso coffee and aromatic clove flavors with sweet dried fruity and mild floral aroma at the back. The toasted almost finish is also there but the caramel-molasses sweetness is richer with creamier finish. The retrohale black peppery spiciness through the nose is still delicate and soft-amazing! The complexity of flavors, aroma and finish craps my heads off. The top of my tongue has a crispy zing of black peppery spice, the middle of my tongue is filled with smooth, lush smoke with above flavors and aroma, the back of my tongue is clean. I am almost end of the final/3, the strength is back to solid medium with extreme complex and balanced flavors, aromatic aroma with super long finish. My entire mouth is filled with subtle tingly feeling. When I lick my lips, it has a nice bitter-sweet tobacco taste. This is close to a perfect smoking experience.

    Final thoughts: I will say with confidence that this is Pepin best cigar-why? He really reduced the overpowering spice, strength which allows enjoying the complexity of the cigar. This is also by far the lightest cigar Don Pepin has blended. He concentrated more on flavors and aroma rather than the strength and spice. Well done Pepin!!! I am drinking plain iced water. First one inch has the overpowering spice and mild harshness but it completely disappeared after that and taken over with mild-medium strength. This cigar will be very popular to the smokers who enjoy flavor and aroma more than strength. Some people might be disappointed because it doesn't have as usual Pepin's spiciness and the full bodied strength. I am going to collect this cigar as many as possible. This is one of the top three Nicaraguan cigars...period.
    photo Gigante13007_zps6323772e.jpg photo Gigante13003_zps2ad5a3a1.jpg
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    RIP! Missed you brother. Glad to see you're well.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Hey Daniel, how are you doing brother? I missed you too. I promised my wife that I won't use Internet while on home leave that's why I was in pause status. I was just reading your Davidoff thread. Do you need any Davidoff cigar? How is the art work going?
    RIP! Missed you brother. Glad to see you're well.
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    Hey Daniel, how are you doing brother? I missed you too. I promised my wife that I won't use Internet while on home leave that's why I was in pause status. I was just reading your Davidoff thread. Do you need any Davidoff cigar? How is the art work going?
    RIP! Missed you brother. Glad to see you're well.
    Funny you bring up Davidoff. My fav bnm stopped carrying them. Sad because they were pretty good prices for California. As far as that thread, it was just an excuse so I can bomb a brother with my "artwork" :)
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    The ALL TIME GREATEST thread!!
    Bump for all the new guys who have not been blessed to be able to read this thread.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Thanks Tony. I tried few time to write up a new review but I just couldn't finish it, sorry. It is not coming like before. Maybe I forgot how to write a review after long time. I will try again later, sorry.
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    Don't apologize.
    Any thing creative can be affected by things in a person's life or even simple aggravations.
    I know there are times I'm trying to paint up something on a bike tank and it just doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. So I walk away and leave it for later.

    I had a Harley split tank that I was doing polar bears on and couldn't get it to look right. It ended up back with the owner with primer on it. LOL!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Reviews can be tough sometimes. Nice to see u back
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Thanks Tony. I tried few time to write up a new review but I just couldn't finish it, sorry. It is not coming like before. Maybe I forgot how to write a review after long time. I will try again later, sorry.
    i took a month off, wasn't feeling it, no writing at all. Between cigfed and habanoscritic I was supplied to write twice a week and it got old and uninspiring to me, both smoking and writing. I atill took notes though and after a good month or so, sat down one night with a wonderful beer and hammered four out and it felt great. Take a break, if it doesn't feel good, then don't do it. Creativity needs passion to fuel it, or it becomes stale.
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 868
    Bump! There's two hours of my life gone.
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