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I need to apologize to The Irishman...

greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
Brett and I entered into a blind trade last week. I actually received his package Monday evening, but unfortunately I had other things on my mind. As it turns out in the last couple of days I have received two phenomenal "packages." The first package was the blind trade from Brett. As most of us know, Brett has become one of the most well respected brothers on this forum. The packages he sends are just unbelievable. This blind that he sent me was supposed to be five only sticks. His rules - not mine. As you can see by the pictures, once again he has gone way over the top to put me in my place...second fiddle. Thank you for the great cigars. Next time five means five lol.




The second "package" I received was, indeed, one of the best "packages" I have ever received. It is not Cuban...it is not Nicaraguan, and it is not Dominican Republic. As a matter of fact, it was made in the good old USA. The reason for the delay in this post was that I have been preoccupied for the last 33 hours. You guessed it - my very first grandbaby was delivered to me by my son and daughter-in-law. She is spectacular. Mother and baby are doing great, and needless to say we are all very excited. I have included a picture for your viewing pleasure. Thank you for looking.




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