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AJ Fresh Rolled Maduro

catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
Beign a fan of most of AJ's line, I enver really thought about trying one of these probably because the price point turned me off. I got 3 of these from Brian, Medic45, in a recent bombing. Got home from work and got to bed around 4am...so waking up at 10:30....I didn't want to do jack today and lit one of these puppies up which was a toro. Right off the bat...cream, hints of espresso, dark choclate, and the AJ spice. This was a very mellow maduro, which made it enojoyable with two cups of coffee. 2nd third was the same with a little steam picking up at the final 3rd with cedar and earth present. I would say this is a mild maduro at first that picked up into medium towards the end with a little extra punch in the final inch. No bitterness, heat, funky burn, etc.., although smoke production slowed in the final inch

Now....this was not a stick with complexity that blew my mind, much more subtle in that regard and nothing to freak out about. What blew me away was the construction and smoke production. Honestly....it smoked like a Liga and given I've been burning a Liga 9/t52/or Undercrown once a week since JHewey got me hooked, I was blown away. One of the things I like about those cigars is the construction and enjoyment of smoking them so for this to come anywhere close to that at $2 is astounding in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, this is not a super premium but it damn well smoked like one. Granted, my enjoyment of cigars is mostly in flavors and complexity, but when you smoke 2-3 a day and sometimes just want something smooth and enojyable this is the beezneez. I know a ton of people like these and now I see why. Once I get back on the buying train (come on unemployment!) I will be picking up a mazo of the toro and looking to try the corona next. I hate to say it, but AJ is the king of cheap everyday smokes. I would be very interested to see what these develop into overtime. To me a large part of my enjoyment is in the construction and smoke production unless I want the curve ball madness of an Opus or CC. If a cigar tastes great, but i can't get anything out of it...then what good was it? Below are some pics and while i do not write reviews, I felt that this experience was worth noting which is rare for me unless I get the bug like some of the other fine gentlemen whom do excellent reviews here: Steve, Robby, Irish, Rip, etc...



  • ToombesToombes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,451
    Catfish, great review! Now, you have to try the corona. For me the flavor profile comes on a lot stronger and is more pronounced. I've had several of each, but always migrate back to the corona. Perfect for watching the sun come up while sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee or just whenever you feel like it. The one you had is out of the same mazo as the ones Brian hit me with a week or so ago. My recommendation is the let the rest of them sit for a few months. The flavors with mellow out and blend and the stick will be much smoother. AJ hit on something big with this one!
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Catfish, great review! Now, you have to try the corona. For me the flavor profile comes on a lot stronger and is more pronounced. I've had several of each, but always migrate back to the corona. Perfect for watching the sun come up while sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee or just whenever you feel like it. The one you had is out of the same mazo as the ones Brian hit me with a week or so ago. My recommendation is the let the rest of them sit for a few months. The flavors with mellow out and blend and the stick will be much smoother. AJ hit on something big with this one!
    I honestly thought it was very smooth Dan. I figured the corona would give me a bit more of the wrapper's profile, which is why I will search for that next to determine if the wrapper or the ligero is what I liked. Being that they are young, honestly it would take 2-3 years to see what the blend would turn into as the tobacco marry's. Honestly, I am not one to buy a cigar simply to age unless it is a CC. i prefer buying cigars I like that i know get better with age. Given these are fresh and I like them right off the bat, I am very curious to see what age would do and i am not opposed to taking notes on them since this is an every day smoke. Honestly, I am not one for reviewing a cigar as there are plenty here to go around. This one was very impressive when you consider price and smoke production. I see no reason not to buy them.
  • Medic45Medic45 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,886
    I like them a lot,, I am about out so I feel an order coming on. I don't think you can beat the price at all. I am glad you enjoyed it brother!!!!!
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I like them a lot,, I am about out so I feel an order coming on. I don't think you can beat the price at all. I am glad you enjoyed it brother!!!!!
    I'm glad you sent three lol! I need that unemployment before I start buying again lol!
  • Medic45Medic45 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,886
    I feel ya there I am currently in the holding pattern until I can get a 2nd job I kinda went nuts the last 2 weeks.....lol
  • taythegibstaythegibs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,024
    Niec review and pictures. I gotta get my hands on some of the maddies, as i have yet to hear bad things about them and love the regular Fresh-Rolled's.

    Catfish, great review! Now, you have to try the corona. For me the flavor profile comes on a lot stronger and is more pronounced. I've had several of each, but always migrate back to the corona. Perfect for watching the sun come up while sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee or just whenever you feel like it. The one you had is out of the same mazo as the ones Brian hit me with a week or so ago. My recommendation is the let the rest of them sit for a few months. The flavors with mellow out and blend and the stick will be much smoother. AJ hit on something big with this one!
    I got hooked on the coronas for the regular Fresh-Rolled, i think it makes for a much better smoke.
  • Steve2010Steve2010 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,036
    Fish, what do you mean "don't do reviews"? You did a great job and described your experience clearly. The only formula that works for reviews is to write what you're feeling and thinking. Great job!

    Now I'm going to have to pick up a few.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Thanks steve, I guess I still consider myself a noob in comparison to some of the great guys we have at ccom
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Great review. I've been dying to try one and this assures me I won't be disappointed.
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