new humi question
My new 50 count hit the 75% mark, so I added my 75% boveda packs and sticks earlier this morning. The humidity dropped a bit, as expected. It didn't leave the safe range, though. Or it hasn't yet I should say. Since I am going out of town, leaving tomorrow morning, and there isn't going to be anyone around to check on them at all, and it's gonna be sitting closed all weekend, I added a 3rd 75% pack. Will this help things stabilize while I'm gone or should I leave it out since everything's gonna sit closed for about 5 days?
1) As you add cigars to your humidor the humidity will fluxuate (usually drop) for a bit then stabilize. Once the stabilization occurs, the cigars themselves actually act as the primary humidification source. That being said, in answer to your question if your humidity is stable when you walk out the door, it should be just fine for the week or so you'll be away. IMHO the third boveda pack probably isnt NECESSARY, but as they are a two-way humidification system it shouldnt cause any problems.
2) Why 75% packs? 75% is on the high side of the generally accepted range you want your RH at, and its been my experience (and that of a lot of other BOTL around here seemingly) that the higher you get in the 65-75% range, the more burn issues you will encounter as you smoke your cigars. Unless you're having trouble keeping your humidity up (ie you keep two 75% boveda packs in the humidor to maintain a 70% RH), you may want to keep this in mind if you find yourself battling a lot of burn issues.
Hope this helped! :-)
So as for right now and what to do when your out of town . . . you won't be able to check it while your gone to make sure it doesn't go high, then why not keep the 2 packs in until you leave to make sure your cigars settle in allright (See Glen's point #1) and then go with only one humi pack whlie your gone or pull them both out. Seriously. You'll probably drop a few % but thats ok. I'm assuming your AC will be turned off if you have it and the house will just be stuffy and hot when you get back. Humidity rises in the heat so if you have 3 humi packs and are gone for a bit while the temperature in your house creeps up, I really do think you'd be lucky to not develop mold.
Seriously mold sucks. I had a mold problem with my first humi before I got my current one about 6 + years ago. Imagine yourself infront of the garbage opening up the humidor lid and slowly turning it over above the garbage can and watching all your cigars tumble in . . . then you toss the humi in for good measure and start all over again.
So as to your question . . . 3 packs? No way. My advice is to take at least one out and maybe both until your back. You'll have the peace of mind to make sure that if anything you fluctuate low. Low is better.
You are asking for trouble.....75% way too high.....end of story.
If all you have for humidification now is the 75s, just leave 1 in for the weejend, and address the problem when you get back - 65-68 is more like it, with 70 being on the hjgher end, 72 for some people with certain kinds of cigars.....75??...asking for trouble................