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Kelly Thomas Murderer's to Stand Trial

VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
Not sure who is or is not familiar with this story, but it should be known to everyone if not already. I am pleased to say the grand jury agreed that the Barney Fife wanna be's should be tried. I can only hope a fair trial takes place and they do not get off as so many other cops do in the killing and battery of both innocent people and those who do not deserve "what they get" from those who are supposed to "protect and serve". Sad story and should NEVER happen or be allowed to.


  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Hey Vulch, is this the kid who got shot by the neighborhood watch member a while back? Can you post a link or something so we can catch up on the cliff notes?

  • y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707
    The Sniper:
    Hey Vulch, is this the kid who got shot by the neighborhood watch member a while back? Can you post a link or something so we can catch up on the cliff notes?

    No, that was Trayvon Martin.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176

    Not good at all the link sh!t, but there ya go man, cut and paste is the best I can do, lol.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I saw this the other day on the TV. Those cops should be charged to the full extent of the law, but will they? The one cop who started it all deserves to be put into regular population in the jail. Since he thinks he is so tuff, maybe he should spend the better part of everyday sparring with the boys in the yard for the rest of his sentence, should he get one.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    I would watch that, but the advertisement at the beginning let me know it wasn't about the news.

  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I didn't hear anything in that story or see anything in that video that shows excessive force or the officers acting inappropriately. Not to mention in half the video another officer or more are present. The guys is talking and responsive and the are obviously trying to subdue him. I guess they just didn't give enough facts.

    A buddy of mine told me to watch a police video once. Sorry I don't have the link or info. Anyways, it was a police chase which went into a gas station parking lot. The suspect car stops and the next thing you see on the video is the police officer run up to the suspect who is running away from him and has his back to him. The police officer opens fire and shoots the guy in the back multiple times killing him. My first reaction was wow that cop is screwed and is going to prison.

    Lucky for that police officer there was a second police car involved in the chase and shooting video. What you didn't see in the first video is as the cars pull into the gas station the suspect jumps out and runs toward the first police officer as he shoots a gun emptying the magazine. As the suspect tries to reload the officer starts returning fire and the suspect turns to flee at the same millisecond.

    So obviously armchair quarterbacking and second guessing what is obviously a hard and dangerous job doesn't give you all the facts or really give you any idea of what the totality of the circumstances were at the time. Sad a guy lost his life. If the officers were wrong they should face the same consequences any of us would. I absolutely agree with that. They should be held to a higher standard. Probably more facts out there I haven't heard or I doubt they would be charged.

  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Not sure who is or is not familiar with this story, but it should be known to everyone if not already. I am pleased to say the grand jury agreed that the Barney Fife wanna be's should be tried. I can only hope a fair trial takes place and they do not get off as so many other cops do in the killing and battery of both innocent people and those who do not deserve "what they get" from those who are supposed to "protect and serve". Sad story and should NEVER happen or be allowed to.
    Dave, besides what was viewed in link, what else do you know bout the incident? Just curious.
  • HeavyHeavy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,590
    I didn't hear anything in that story or see anything in that video that shows excessive force or the officers acting inappropriately. Not to mention in half the video another officer or more are present. The guys is talking and responsive and the are obviously trying to subdue him. I guess they just didn't give enough facts.

    A buddy of mine told me to watch a police video once. Sorry I don't have the link or info. Anyways, it was a police chase which went into a gas station parking lot. The suspect car stops and the next thing you see on the video is the police officer run up to the suspect who is running away from him and has his back to him. The police officer opens fire and shoots the guy in the back multiple times killing him. My first reaction was wow that cop is screwed and is going to prison.

    Lucky for that police officer there was a second police car involved in the chase and shooting video. What you didn't see in the first video is as the cars pull into the gas station the suspect jumps out and runs toward the first police officer as he shoots a gun emptying the magazine. As the suspect tries to reload the officer starts returning fire and the suspect turns to flee at the same millisecond.

    So obviously armchair quarterbacking and second guessing what is obviously a hard and dangerous job doesn't give you all the facts or really give you any idea of what the totality of the circumstances were at the time. Sad a guy lost his life. If the officers were wrong they should face the same consequences any of us would. I absolutely agree with that. They should be held to a higher standard. Probably more facts out there I haven't heard or I doubt they would be charged.

    I agree that that video doesn't really show too much, but you should see the pictures of the guy in the hospital. His face doesn't even look human it's so swollen up. Somone had to have done that to him. I'm with you in that it's not good to jump to conclusions based on one video as it may not give the whole perspective of what happened, but something just wasn't right about this guys death IMO. But I wasn't there so what do i know - it's in the court's hands now which isn't really comforting either.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I am sure there is more to it then the simple CNN story. Otherwise they wouldn't be on trial.
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Kelly Thomas was a Schizophrenic who had previous encounters with law enforcement.

    One of the reasons he was homeless is because his mother and father threw him out of the house and had restraining orders against him because he was uncontrollable and violent. His father, a former LE officer, felt it was better for himself that Kelly lived on the streets rather than in his house. His father basic said left society fix him and his mental illnesses as I don't want to.

    What the video doesn't show is the significant amount of time that the officers were questioning him and he refused to cooperate. When the officers finally got tired of his refusual to cooperate they acted in a manner to cuff and detain him. Kelly Thomas chose to resist and that is when the melee ensued. As other officers responded to the call they were responding to a "combative suspect" call and upon coming onto the scene they join into the melee based on the information they had. It would be nice to Monday Morning Quarterback upon arriving at the scene but unfortunately LE does not have this luxury.

    This incident basically happened in my backyard so this information was widely available and I find it appalling that CNN would not include this information in its article. But then again, it wouldn't cause as much a stir as it does w/o it; that is the BUSINESS of news, it is no longer about REPORTING the facts.

    All I am doing is putting more of the facts out there to show more of what the true situation was. In no way, shape or form am I condoning the death of Kelly Thomas nor saying that the le involved was justified in using the force that they did; that is what a trail and jury is for.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Bandy I will say I dont understand what his prior hx, his father's feelings, or any other issues such as that have to do with his death. His death was not brought about by any historical events in his life, it was due to one incident involving the police---the other stuff may give a history of the vicitm, but it is irrelvant to his death. As far as him being combative, or any opions of the police using necessary force----I dont see how a man on the ground being beaten senseless and tased multiple times is "necessary". Is the person resisting arrest at that time----or they resisting the fact they are being assaulted (to the point they eventually died from the injuries)? That doesnt seem like resisting the cops....is seems like a fight for your life.

    There has been numerous cases of over zealous cops, who as a whole tend to be more aggressive and controlling (for good reasons or bad as the case may be) and they make D@mn sure that the suspect "pays" for their actions and questioning their authority as the people to "protect and serve"? Or who they feel should be the judge, jury, and executioner

    Corporal Cinelli did state the vicitm could not be subdued (though he surely looked it on the ground), but also admitted to "smashing his face to hell". When a guy is on the ground, not sure if smashing to he!! is really needed huh? Well at least the other office gave him fair warning of "Im getting ready to f*ck you up".

    Here is also a link to another website about the story, that includes a picture of the victims face in the hospiital, which I assume was part of the force "necessary" to subdue him.http://www.theblaze.com/stories/smashing-his-face-to-hell-horrific-new-video-emerges-of-the-police-beating-that-led-to-a-homeless-mans-death/
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