i love my pet

Random post for people to talk about their pet dog cat lemur etc. And to post a pic of them with their pet if they so choose to. Personally I'm a dog guy. Have a 2 year old beagle named oliver. He was a rescue. I rescued him when he was 6 weeks old the lady who had him had 5 kids was divorced didn't work and had 36 ups trying to feed off of 1 female who wasn't the mother of any of em. She was dying and the pups hadn't even been started on regular food. Ill post a pic of me and him after work. Hope you enjoy. This thread
They are brother and sister, so why the huge difference in size, I can only assume that he had some throwback gene in him. They both lived for 15 years, before they caught some virus and had to be put down. Awesome mole, mouse, rat and possum hunters. The siamese even took on racoons. LOL!
Here is my baby girl:
Our dogs sleeping now but I put a pic of her up on that thread....she just turned 2 this past week & just as energetic as the day we got her
looks like my dog!
My current pets include my dog, Tiny and a couple Green Cheek Conures named Mr. Beans and Miss Marly.
Tiny was also rescued from a family that had too many kids/pets and no money to look after them and Miss Marly came to us from someone who realized that the bird was just too much work for them.
Pet hell with that i can see some good eatin there...
Cute. What kinda tricks can he do??