what does this type of wrapper typically mean (if anything)?
Lately, I've realized (whether it's just in my head or not) that I really like wrappers that are darker and has an oily sheen to it. I usually get really great creamy, nutty, at times caramel types of flavors. For example, a couple of the Johnny Os had this and it was sublime. Also had a LGC Serie N and I swear, notes of vanilla, caramel, coffee. I know taste is all subjective but just wanted to throw it out there to discuss / gain some clarity. Jiunn
After you do this for a while, when you go back and review the journal, you are likely to see patterns start to form in the cigars you really enjoy. Might be the wrapper, might be what country the cigar was manufactured in or where the filler or wrapper came from, might be the blender or the brand. It really opened my eyes to "hey, this is what I like in a cigar" and took a lot of the guesswork out of buying.
look out for Maduros. Oscuros also have a darker tone but they also tend to be stronger and may or may not be as sweet depending on how they are fermented.
sniper has right idea on keeping a journal. its has helped me more than i can even explain.
I'm still not great at describing flavors, but I started noticing some sticks I smoked had a dry spicy type flavor that I didn't care for. After a few of these I looked back and noticed they all had corojo wrappers. Actually I do like them now, but at the time I was drinking water with all my smokes and by the time I would be done smoking one of those it would leave a bad aftertaste. Now I drink tea or something with flavor and they are much better.
that extra fermentation breaks down more oils.
however, when blenders get their hands on it to make a cigar they tend to blend stronger.
maduro does not necessarily equal strong.
One other tip for the cigar journal I dont think (?) has been mentioned on this thread - consider taking your cigar bands off and pasting them in your cigar journal with the entries you make. When I was first starting out (and I dont know where you're at in your Great Journey of Cigar Discovery), I found that a lot of times I would have trouble remembering the names of sticks as I went along, but I rarely forgot what the bands looked like of ones I enjoyed.
Its all about figuring out what works best for you. :-)
... assuming (yeah I know what that gets me ENFIDEL LOL) you would be willing to share it of course.
and for future if ANYONE wants a copy of this file I will be more than pleased to send it to you and you can use as you see fit!