need some advice
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 37
Ok guys I and my friend are somewhat new to cigars. We have been smoking for a short period of time now. But there are some questions that stand out in my mind. Number one, I love smoking cigars but the day after I always have a cigar aftertaste still no matter what I do. Why is this and how can I do away with it? Second question, we are going to the beach soon and are planning on taking advantage of this great little cigar shop we know of, but we arent sure what to take with us to drink with cigars. I have tried many different liquors with our cigars but want to know two or three that go well with any cigar. I was considering taking a bottle of aged tequila, it always seems to go well with our cigars. What are your insights? And one more question then I will post more questions and concerns tomorrow. I have been considering buying some ghurka cigars, I have yet to have a ghurka yet. Has anyone had the sampler? Or what are some Ghurka cigars that are must haves if any? Thanks guys.
I would say the Gurkhas you need to try are the Regent, Turk, Shaggy, Centurian, and Legend. If you are in the mood for a two-hour smoke, the Beast is great also.
Basically, the smoke and other stuff from the cigar has attached itself to your mucous, the stuff on your tongue, and all the little nooks and crannies in your mouth, the simplest way to knock this down is brushing your teeth thoroughly. If you have the time and your ok with it, eat a little something, then go wash your mouth out with a fairly harsh mouthwash (i.e. Listerine) for at least a minute, then brush, scrape your tongue, then gargle some more mouthwash. Now, I can't guarantee that you won't have a little cigar mouth in the morning, but it won't be as bad as if you didn't do anything.
The biggest help is scraping your tongue, in my experience, the smoke adheres to the build up from the day like no other.
Or, the easiest solution is to just get used to it. Or chew gum.
A little aftertaste will always remain. Always. But, brushing thoroughly DOES help. In this case, thoroughly means teeth, tounge as far back as you can go without gagging, inside of cheeks, hard palate (roof of mouth). THEN mouthwash. THEN eat a large apple, making sure to chew slowly (seems to leach away some of the taste). I have a friend who swears by dried mango for this, doesn't work particularly well for me. I've read one article by a guy who apparently gargles a mixture of 1/5th shampoo, 4/5ths water - apparently the Hydrogen Sulfide in the shampoo disolves the oleoresins from the cigar smoke nicely - I wouldn't particularly reccomend this, however, as even small amounts of this, swallowed, would be quite toxic.
id go with the regent if you are new to cigars. Its mild in body but has a good amount of flavor. Its one of my favorite gurkha cigars.
the centurian IS my favorite gurkha. Im not sure its worth the price tag but if you find them on sale grab as many as you can.
same with the legend.
the nepalese warrior is good if you like the regent or a Cameroon wrapper (its a regent with a Cameroon wrapper)
i think that either this or this are good deals on gurkha samplers.
One or two a week is no sweat at all. I would worry more about being hit by lightning than health repercussions from such a light smoking schedule ...
but as it is with everyting that is good in life (food, wine, beer, tobacco, coffee, etc...) they seemed to be appreciated most in (relative) moderation.