Anyone here live in the Dallas/FtWorth area or are you all just a bunch damn yankees? (Not that there is anything wrong with that) I would love to get a D/FW herf set up. Anyone on here live in this part of the world?
Not far, in Austin. I was in Dallas awhile back and went to a cigar lounge there in grapevine which was pretty nice. Next time I head up there I'll let you know
Bucking, do that Bro. I'm a member of a private lounge in Richardson I'll take you to. Pretty nice place. I get to Austin a couple times a quarter. I'll give you a holler next time I'm out there...
pbchevo, isn't everyone that lives north of the Red River a yankee?
Bucking, do that Bro. I'm a member of a private lounge in Richardson I'll take you to. Pretty nice place. I get to Austin a couple times a quarter. I'll give you a holler next time I'm out there...
pbchevo, isn't everyone that lives north of the Red River a yankee?
Bucking, do that Bro. I'm a member of a private lounge in Richardson I'll take you to. Pretty nice place. I get to Austin a couple times a quarter. I'll give you a holler next time I'm out there...
pbchevo, isn't everyone that lives north of the Red River a yankee?
pbchevo, isn't everyone that lives north of the Red River a yankee?