in Cigar 101
Hey guys I just hand rolled my own cigars for the first time and I wanted to know when I should add them to my humidor. They are too moist I think. Should I wait until they are fully dry? Or just until the wrapper is dry? They have been sittin ontop of my humidor for about two days so far. I'd appreciate the help.
like this
then unwrap them and put them back in the humidor. dont touch them for at least 6 months.
Post-rolling rest period is individual choice. However, there are some standard rules:
the freshly rolled cigar also known as green cigar need to go through short-term maturation at least 3-4 weeks. This allow the blends to stabilize.
3-4 weeks to stabilize the green cigar. 4-6 months to allow the essential oil, flavors of the blend to marry. This is minimum time for a cigar to be smokable. After that it just get better. Anyway not all cigars are good for aging. It's all depends on wrapper, blends, tobacco kind and other factors. Kuzi's suggestion about wrap them in the newspaper is also important. I hope this helps.
Parenthetically, I vaguely remember an old western once upon a long time ago where Jimmy Stewart rolls his own cigar and lights it right off. Didn't dry at all. I suppose the writers figured a cigar would light up like a cigarette paper. IIRC, Jimmy even licked the leaf to make it stick.
As for pictures Im gunna roll a bunch more then take a picture. The first couple were decent but not good enough to show off lol
I've made beer too!! Rolling cigars is a lot more fun because you can actually see the finished product within 5 minutes even being a beginner.
I would recommend the site www.leafonly.com. I bought two Dominican leaves with a MED ct leaf for wrapper. Also buy the sample packs of the tobacco leaves that you want to see if you enjoy rolling. Very cheap!!
I just bought the stuff and winged it but I will say I DID watch a lot of videos on YouTube. Just watching ppl roll and other giving tips. Try it out!!
Dunno about that. The fun work of beer brewing is boiling the crap up. The hard work is cleaning your bottles. That's 90% of the toil. Then comes the long anticipation, waiting for the stuff to krausen. By the time you finally pop a cap, you are stoked. It's like football that way. The fact you have to wait all week is what makes Sunday special.
Let us know six months from now how they turned out.
Also, Webmost, I love your signature line, that's (sadly) SO true!
Dang, Amos! And your sig line is the one I use for gmail! Also sadly true.
federal spending per day:
Obama: 9.7 billion
Bush: 6.8 billion Clinton: 4.1 billion Reagan : 2.5 billion
Over five trillion in new debt for this administration and counting. Just wait until Obamacare kicks in. You would think that in this scientific age people would have a better grasp of plain arithmetic.
Meanwhile, back to the subject: The only place I have found so far selling tobacco leaf for rolling cigars is leafonly.com. I am leaning more and more toward just such a project each day myself. We shall become the BOTYROL -- Brothers Of The Roll Your Own Leaf. They have some decent videos at leafonly showing how. Of course, I'm sure it looks easier than it is. Seems to me the hardest part would be snatching up an evenly distributed handful to roll.
http://www.wholeaf.com/ -- They are a bit delusional in their pricing
http://www.otoaocigars.com/ -- they seem to have a better selection
Gee willikers those look good....real good. Well done ole boy.
I get my leaf exclusively from Whole Leaf Tobacco now. Way the heck better than LeafOnly. We should swap some stogies. I roll all perfectos these days. Are you on the FairTradeTobacco forum? Tell us what sort of leaf you rolled in these.
Here's what I smoked this afternoon, while doing maintenance on Biffy Bullfrog, the KLR650. You see my Uppowoc Perfecto perched on my custom cigar rack.
Ain't life fun?