Real important info. I've learned more about cigars in the past couple of months on this site than i learned in the past three years. Now i know why some cigars I've recieved from BOTL'S have a date written at the bottom fold of the cellow. I'm going to start dating the cigars I get as they are put up to rest.
One of the only companies I know that really somewhat ages the cigars is fuente. That being said it's really just the gof's and don carlos gran anixersarios.
Real important info. I've learned more about cigars in the past couple of months on this site than i learned in the past three years. Now i know why some cigars I've recieved from BOTL'S have a date written at the bottom fold of the cellow. I'm going to start dating the cigars I get as they are put up to rest.
I started doing this a while back. I can't keep them all straight, so it's a good idea.