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Law Enforcement types

marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
I just wanted to see where the Law Enforcement types are. I am starting to get to the point where I am applying for every agency known to man. Just wanted to get a feel for what the market is looking like right now. I have a few apps in and a couple of test dates, but one of the states I am looking at moving to will almost require me to put myself through the academy then apply to the departments. I would hate to burn through money and time for it to be a futile effort, but, since it has been a dream of mine, I am going to do whatever it takes. Like I said, I just wanted to get a feel for the environment right now since I am not home to do it myself.


  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    Where I live the Suffolk County PD reach 100,000 a year in no time.
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    That kind of money would be nice. But honestly, I just want to get in the door. So if it means 30/year I am good with that.
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    What areas are you looking at?
    Are you looking to relocate?

    Smaller Oregon communities seem to always be looking for police.
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    We will probably relocate back to Florida. We considered Cali, but the cost of living is a little higher than we'd like. Maybe Ohio, a couple of places in NC. A lot of departments in Florida are hiring, but you already have to be certified. Of course a lot of that is departments saving money and community colleges gaining money, and I am ok with that, but if I go through 4 months of training and still can't get a job, I will be up a creek. Especially since I will be leaving a job that pays substantially better.
  • cmartincmartin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 130
    Have you tried Florida highway patrol. I know the guys around my area and they are always short staffed. We wait for 30-45 min for them on vehicle accidents. I believe tey will put you through the academy.
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    I have my app in with FHP. Waiting to hear back from them. They want me there in June to test and I can't make it there that early.
  • Gaetano7890Gaetano7890 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 771
    A lot of places around me you have to live in the county your applying for. NYPD is always hiring but cost of living is high. Before I got my current job looked around and Charlotte and Charlston were looking a couple of years ago. With you credentials you should have no problem getting on a departments take as many test as you can to get used to them and see what you score. You should have a one time military credit of five points save it for the test you want. Good luck
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    Every test I take I can use the veterns preference points. Charlotte is on my list as I did a ride-along with them about two years ago and was thoroughly impressed with the officers on that shift. I am going to try and get on the test with them, they usually hold one every month, but it can be very difficult to get on the list as they only test 60 people. And since I am only home every three months, it makes a little difficult.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    PM ENFIDEL, just to see what he's got to say about the sector he works in. Networking can be a GLORIOUS thing. :-)

  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    May have to do so, thanks Glenn.
  • Gaetano7890Gaetano7890 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 771
    This may be a very stupid question but have you called recruiting officers for various angencies because most at least in NY they will make special arrangements for acitve duty mitlitary for testing ie alternate testing dates. My fault for the credit I was not thinking war time veteran no disrespect. As an option NYPD has a test almost weeky and are always looking for officers since they carry about 30,000 uni's. After a few years you can transfer most ageniceies will take NYPD officers as laterals.
  • JZJZ Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 827
    If your willing to relocate, Gwinnett County and Cobb County are great agencies to work for and they are both just North of Atlanta. City of Sandy Springs, Johns Creek and Alpharetta are really good as well. Its almost impossible to get on Johns Creek but the pay and benefits are really good. Most agencies in Georgia pay to put you through the academy and you get paid your salary while attending. PM me if you want some more information. Good luck!
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    I have thought about Atlanta, they always seem to be hiring. I haven't really done any research to the surrounding areas. My wife just informed me that Charleston is also hiring. The hard part is finding an agency willing to work with my schedule. I know NYC makes concessions for vets, but it seems most other acencies are not hurting bad enough, it is either be here at this time, or try again next time. Frustrating reallly. It puts me into a vicious cycle.
  • Gaetano7890Gaetano7890 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 771
    I know it seems everybody today wants to be a cop. When my dad took the test in my city in 1968 ten people took the test now we have 150-200. Chareston is a real nice area to look at. Good luck to you in your search. Enjoy your memorial weekend and thank you.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    I know it's cross country, but when I went through the Orange County's Sheriff's Academy in cali, I was paid all the way through. The county I live in now does not pay to send recruits, you have to put yourself through and then apply around. On a very rare occasion a department will sponsor a recruit through.
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    I seriously considered San Diego and San Diego County, beautiful there. I was even scheduled to take the test. But then I started looking at the housing market and it swayed me away a little bit. They are still a consideration, but if I can stay on the East coast it will be better for the family. Like I said before, I am at the stage where I am just going to apply everywhere and take what I can to just get in the door.
  • StreaterStreater Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 293
    We would love to have you in Texas.
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    We would love to have you in Texas.
    Considered that too, housing prices are awesome, but the wife is deathly afraid of snakes after her last run in with a 6ft rattler, so that one may be tough, lol.
  • StreaterStreater Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 293
    We would love to have you in Texas.
    Considered that too, housing prices are awesome, but the wife is deathly afraid of snakes after her last run in with a 6ft rattler, so that one may be tough, lol.
    Just get a couple tomcats. Issue resolved.
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