If you have John there he will take care of you. Every time I would start talking to him he would hand me a stick and say "If you like that one then try this one" I still bought 5 from him and got one free then too. Ended up with 9 for me, one for a friend and one for my dad. 11 sticks for the price of 5. There were only 10 people there I would guess. Real small shop here in Mass.
Yeah, The shop I smoke at has them. The 10 anos are really good stick. Reminds me of eating a handmade deli sandwich on whole wheat, with all the fixin's. mmmmmmmm 10 anos
Yeah, The shop I smoke at has them. The 10 anos are really good stick. Reminds me of eating a handmade deli sandwich on whole wheat, with all the fixin's. mmmmmmmm 10 anos
bwahahahahaha! I actually can agree with you on that. They have a new cigar coming out that they are calling the "pig-tail" and it was amazing. I smoked the 10 anos and then the pigtail and the pigtail rocks. You gotta try it if it comes to a city near you!!!
Sounds like you had a great time, and everybody here just echoed what I would've said - the 10 Anos is the stick to go for. I'm not sure I've had anything else from them that particularly impressed me, but the 10 Anos quickly became one of my favorite smokes.
Was just going to let you guys know that John shot me an email with his Schedule for this weekend in case some of you were close enough to get out there! Tonight he will be at Cigar Depot in Douglasville, GA from 6-9. Tomorrow he will be at a place called DD and Co. from 2pm-5pm in Hiram, GA. Try to get out if you have a chance!
I just went to one up here in Boston. I think they are great. I picked up one of each. All under $8 a stick.