You guys... freaking a. On a fun note, nothing beats taking your laptop to the bathroom, being on CCOM forums, and taking a big ol dookie monster. Moderator - please delete 50% of Boyd's posts. He's padding.
Jesus. That even made me smile.
Who is this? Who are you? What is your name? What did you eat for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
oooooooh. Juinn vs. Darth. Got some popcorn, got my "potato"... Readyyyyyyyy FIGHT!
Ahahaha Leeets get ready to rumble!
Daniel- PM in your box BTW bro
ohhh, THAT's potaters. I bet you get a real nice sensation if you clamp those on to some nippers. Darth Vader, I DEMAND a response from you. Did you have your morning coffee yet? How about a qua-SAUNT? DID YOU?! Patty caker...