From what I hear, it helps with the draw. Not sure if it's true or not though. The unique shapes can be fun though. If I remember correctly though, a blender said that they do it because they can.
Box pressing came around from Cuba. Now it is really only used as looks and some people do prefer it. I do believed it comes from putting larger rg's in a smaller box hence flattening them. I'm all for it
I like box press personally. I've always they just shove them all in the box and smash them?
Kinda... Big Todd hit the nail too. It originally started years ago just as a fad but met enough mass market appeal that it turned into what it is today. From what I have heard and believe, there were not square molds at first , instead they just pressed them tightly into the box when they were very "wet" and fresh still adn as they acclimated and aged they remained the square shape. Just my two cents, but that is what I've been lead to believe.