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Fellow BOTL and SOTL***Buyer, trader, seller, beware...Aeon Spiral

catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
Fellow BOTL and SOTL. It has been brought to our attention that Aeon Spiral, Ryan, has potentially defrauded some members of the board. A troop bomb was gathered by Ryan, which was originally started by other members of the board, at Ryan’s request. Ryan approached member #1 for assistance in shipping the package, as funds were low. A package of this caliber normally costs about $12, Ryan was given $55 including a $20 gift to aide in the shipping and this was delivered to him on May 23rd as evidenced by the DC tracking number given to us by said member.

On May 27th, Ryan recieved funds from member #2 for further assistance on shipping costs and obtained $30 via Paypal which we have a receipt to prove. Obviously, these funds were not needed, and member #2 did not know member #1 had already paid for the shipping, above and beyond the cost of the package. Several days later, Ryan approached member #3 for more funds to ship this package. Member number #3 realized the fraudulent activity, let member #2 know, and they realized the scam. Once member #1 was notified of what was going on, #2 and #3 realized multiple people had been approached for money, asked for restitution over the course of a week with no resolve. The package had to be taken from Ryan, as the members realized he was the reason it was being held up, yet had been approaching people for funds and had received plenty. Once it was retrieved, it was shipped and paid for by member #3.

Given this is a public forum, we must police the matter ourselves. The evidence was reported and presented to multiple veteran members of the forum and a resolution was constructed at the request of the parties involved. Ryan will be given a chance to explain himself, apologize for his actions, and provide restitution to those involved at their request and behest. At this point, it is not acceptable for him to participate on the board in trades, passes, bombs, etc… Other complaints regarding his trading practices, lying, and potentially fraudulent activities came forward, but this incident is what we have actual evidence of. Given the nature of the event, we feel it is in his best interests to make restitution and cease and desist from the forum. Ccom representatives will be contacted by the veteran members of the board.

At the request of the parties involved, their names have been withheld to protect their identity. Any inquires can be made via PM to the veterans involved with the matter. So what we know is this:

He decided to take over a troop bomb in early May
May 23rd he received $55 from member #1
May27th member #2 sends money, receives $30 via Paypal
June 2nd, he asks member #3 for more money, member #3 realizes the issue
All three members uncover the scam, ask for the package, #3 ships
After attempts to retrieve their funds, the members contact senior members of the forum
EDIT…as of yesterday, restitution was made to one member, but the manner of which it was handled led to us posting this. Ryan has made good with member #2 and #3. However, the excuses made do not line up with several trade proposals and packages sent out. We have obtained a thorough amount of evidence regarding this in the timeline provided, and time of repayment. Only after it got out via PM did this happen; albeit, 14 days after the fact.


  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I will be on the road for the next week and reply to all PM's as I can. I took over on this as Sniper was busy, and the vets were ok with that.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    With exception to the members that are being kept private, I hope any other members that have been burned by aeon(Ryan) will come forward so all of the forum members can see how much damage this guy did.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    And if anyone else did get burned in a trade, or has a trade outstanding, Ryan needs to make good. If not, shoot us hte details via PM. For the parties involved, everything was handled via PM until evidence and a timeline was established. Thank you, we will take care of anyone.
  • interpiminterpim Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 146
    With exception to the members that are being kept private, I hope any other members that have been burned by aeon(Ryan) will come forward so all of the forum members can see how much damage this guy did.

    Wow... Aeon hit me up in a PM asking for help to bomb someone... I'm glad I didn't get into it. Thanks for the heads up.
  • aeon_spiral@yahoo.comaeon_spiral@yahoo.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,101
    I was unaware of the cost of the package as I was waiting on word from 1 brother whom I didn't hear from till this past Monday (1 week ago today) that he would be shipping his stuff on his own. I can name him or he can remain unknown in public. Brother #1 was asked and I quote 2-3 dollars to help with shipping costs he sent 10. Also included with his box was stuff for the troop box as well as a 25 visa gift card which his wife had also stuck 20 bones in. Now the note attached to said package clearly stated those funds were a gift from them for my upcoming sons birth. Ok I thanked them for gift. My fiance even sent a thank you card to them in mail. I kept the 10 for shipping which was more than I asked to pitch in. He has been contacted he knows his money went to the shipping party. Brother #2 out of the kindness of his heart gave me 30 to cover the shipping. Even after I told him no, not necessary etc. He did anyways. At this point packages were coming in for it still. And I was still trying to rally people on this to make it as solid as possible. As more packages came in I was still waiting on 1 more as aforementioned for the delay and I'm thinking that its gonna be a 50-60 dollar ship. So I say to those involved mind pitching in a few bucks to further help as my fiance is now on bed rest and its just my income and I'm thinking I may not have enough. The package was taken from me on Wednesday night after 22 hours in the hospital and I asked the shipping party to get it because I did not want it sitting back any longer wanted it on the road etc. As I didn't have the funds on me I said I will pay you back Friday. Friday came and went I worked and posted on here from my phone. I did not contact the shipping party till Saturday (also again from my phone while I was at work). I realize that's pretty crappy and insulting and I apologize. The shipping cost was 30 and some odd change according to party. From my understanding unless party 1 says the gifts were not gifts for my upcoming sons birth as were stated on note attached then I received 40 for shipping which has been given to the shipping party. Late, but as promised. Now as far as trades the only 1 I have open is visions I mailed my lotto box I've mailed taylors end of a trade out for a knife he sent me. Again late and insulting but there none the less. I'm not sure what I have lied about or scammed or stolen. If the parties involved would like the shipping funds back then pm me. I handled this sloppy folks as stuff came up and I got my butt handed to me. And I apologize for the way it was handled but if it is the forums wishes to see me go. Then I will not come back.
  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,358
    With exception to the members that are being kept private, I hope any other members that have been burned by aeon(Ryan) will come forward so all of the forum members can see how much damage this guy did.

    Wow... Aeon hit me up in a PM asking for help to bomb someone... I'm glad I didn't get into it. Thanks for the heads up.
    Edited- man, this is just a cluster! I personally don't have a problem, but will never send $ for any reason. If you can't afford shipping, then DON'T GET IN THE PASS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    After comparing both sides, I'm sorry aeon but your does not add up to the evidence that was presented. If I have a vote, I say GO!
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Everyone here has shipped a package via USPS....they never cost $50-$60. Even if they do, several packages and trades were proposed during this time frame. We have tons of evidence of this. This was done at the request of all parties involved and would not have come to light had it been handled honorably.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    With exception to the members that are being kept private, I hope any other members that have been burned by aeon(Ryan) will come forward so all of the forum members can see how much damage this guy did.

    Wow... Aeon hit me up in a PM asking for help to bomb someone... I'm glad I didn't get into it. Thanks for the heads up.
    Edited- man, this is just a cluster! I personally don't have a problem, but will never send $ for any reason. If you can't afford shipping, then DON'T GET IN THE PASS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Doc...we also have evidence of 5-6 other transactions during the timeframe, which is why this made no sense. Add in the potential fraud, PM's via parties invovled, and you get this.
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    GOod job to everyone involved. I think a very fair conclusion was made.
  • aeon_spiral@yahoo.comaeon_spiral@yahoo.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,101
    Everyone here has shipped a package via USPS....they never cost $50-$60. Even if they do, several packages and trades were proposed during this time frame. We have tons of evidence of this. This was done at the request of all parties involved and would not have come to light had it been handled honorably.
    if the oher person had shipped their stuff to me the total cost would have been around 45 dollars. Not far off from 50. I admitted to handeling it horribly. I take the fall on that. I frauded no 1 as what I got for shipping has been given to the shipping party. My personal life is crazy especially when the doc looks you in the face and says you may lose your unborn child tonight. Like I said the only trade I have open is with vision. And I will fulfill my end of the bagain. And no more trades besides his have been proposed. I pmed several people in regards to bombs. 1 of them being Mike we bombed dan together. I also included some honey which I harvested myself. Just as like a bonus gift. Trying to go above and beyond. It seems I cannot make ammends for they way this package was handled and if the 2 parties involved for the shipping would like any restitution for their end I will go out of my way to make it right and per the forums wishes. Will withdraw my involvement here. I am sorry for disgracing some upstanding citizens here and wish to harbor no more hatred or offense. You have my deepest regretts and apologies.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Everyone here has shipped a package via USPS....they never cost $50-$60. Even if they do, several packages and trades were proposed during this time frame. We have tons of evidence of this. This was done at the request of all parties involved and would not have come to light had it been handled honorably.
    if the oher person had shipped their stuff to me the total cost would have been around 45 dollars. Not far off from 50. I admitted to handeling it horribly. I take the fall on that. I frauded no 1 as what I got for shipping has been given to the shipping party. My personal life is crazy especially when the doc looks you in the face and says you may lose your unborn child tonight. Like I said the only trade I have open is with vision. And I will fulfill my end of the bagain. And no more trades besides his have been proposed. I pmed several people in regards to bombs. 1 of them being Mike we bombed dan together. I also included some honey which I harvested myself. Just as like a bonus gift. Trying to go above and beyond. It seems I cannot make ammends for they way this package was handled and if the 2 parties involved for the shipping would like any restitution for their end I will go out of my way to make it right and per the forums wishes. Will withdraw my involvement here. I am sorry for disgracing some upstanding citizens here and wish to harbor no more hatred or offense. You have my deepest regretts and apologies.
    Apology accepted, and I wish you the best with your family and child. My prayers are with them.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    Thanks for the heads up, I'm sorry it came to this, I hope all parties will receive restitution for whatever they feel is right. Ryan I dont know what I can say other than I know it takes alot of malfeasance for it to get to this point, I wish you and your family the best. Sincerely
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,290
    We all have a responsibility to protect the integrity and culture of the forum. Without policing and enforcing ethics this place becomes regular and no longer a safe haven for the unique people who participate in our community. The culture of generosity and genuine care needs to be upheld to the strictest of standards. That being said we all have an outside life and distractions. However it how an individual handles this adversity that determines there character. I believe the correct outcome will be achieved once all parties are reimbursed, restitution is made and participation is ceased.
    The situation was definately eye opening. However, I hope that this situation does not discourage or make people timid to participate. This is obviously an abortion. I know that I will continue to rape and pillage you bastards. THIS INCLUDES YOU NEWER GUYS MORE SO THAN EVER.
    Thank you to those who stepped up to uphold the values of our community.
  • lukemcklukemck Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 45
    aeon leaving the boards isn't something that would strengthen the community(he should however not participate in trades if he can't complete his end of things in a timely manner).. I obviously don't know the full story, but I believe what he's said so far in this thread.. Seems to be a deal that has just gone very poorly as opposed to an actual scam..

    my .02
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    If you like, it can be discussed in private Luke. All of this was known and brought up before the fact. FYI, the USPS hooks up shipping to APO's. The last bomb i sent overseas, cost $12. Several members were contacted to help out with shipping. One member still has not gotten his end of a trade, weeks later. The way it was handled, or lack thereof, via PM for well over a week, is why it got to this point. Had the situation been resolved honorably adn immediately, not a problem.
  • lukemcklukemck Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 45
    Nah, I don't need the story..
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    Wow. Good for you guys. This is a good thing you've done (in warning the rest of the Forum). Didn't we have a discussion about Karma ( or "Cigarma") a while back? Ryan: I wish you & your family all the best of luck. Learn from this.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    aeon leaving the boards isn't something that would strengthen the community(he should however not participate in trades if he can't complete his end of things in a timely manner).. I obviously don't know the full story, but I believe what he's said so far in this thread.. Seems to be a deal that has just gone very poorly as opposed to an actual scam..

    my .02
    It goes much deeper, it's easy to read his side and feel sympathetic. I feel bad for the guy. But to jump in and say you believe him without wanting to know exactly what he did that led to this is a little smack to the face of the people who were burned. Multiple people were taken by him, are they all wrong? The evidence I've says they are not. Also the money was the icing on the cake, there were several things before that. This forum isn't full of A holes looking to kick people off, he did this to himself.

    taking the chance that you might respond back with "I don't care". I hope the next person that wants to post saying they believe aeon will seek out the full story through PM before taking his situation to heart.
  • jasonusa1jasonusa1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 729
    aeon leaving the boards isn't something that would strengthen the community(he should however not participate in trades if he can't complete his end of things in a timely manner).. I obviously don't know the full story, but I believe what he's said so far in this thread.. Seems to be a deal that has just gone very poorly as opposed to an actual scam..

    my .02
    It goes much deeper, it's easy to read his side and feel sympathetic. I feel bad for the guy. But to jump in and say you believe him without wanting to know exactly what he did that led to this is a little smack to the face of the people who were burned. Multiple people were taken by him, are they all wrong? The evidence I've says they are not. Also the money was the icing on the cake, there were several things before that. This forum isn't full of A holes looking to kick people off, he did this to himself.

    taking the chance that you might respond back with "I don't care". I hope the next person that wants to post saying they believe aeon will seek out the full story through PM before taking his situation to heart.
    If the first post was lacking, then post the full story. If somebody is going to get blasted, whichever side, don't do it half-a$$ed.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    aeon leaving the boards isn't something that would strengthen the community(he should however not participate in trades if he can't complete his end of things in a timely manner).. I obviously don't know the full story, but I believe what he's said so far in this thread.. Seems to be a deal that has just gone very poorly as opposed to an actual scam..

    my .02
    It goes much deeper, it's easy to read his side and feel sympathetic. I feel bad for the guy. But to jump in and say you believe him without wanting to know exactly what he did that led to this is a little smack to the face of the people who were burned. Multiple people were taken by him, are they all wrong? The evidence I've says they are not. Also the money was the icing on the cake, there were several things before that. This forum isn't full of A holes looking to kick people off, he did this to himself.

    taking the chance that you might respond back with "I don't care". I hope the next person that wants to post saying they believe aeon will seek out the full story through PM before taking his situation to heart.
    If the first post was lacking, then post the full story. If somebody is going to get blasted, whichever side, don't do it half-a$$ed.
    Jason, this took a few days to handle. The only evidence considered was things that could be proven physically, ie Paypal reciept, RC, etc... Anyone can accuse anyone, but to do something along these lines it took several members democratically looking at the situation, several members coming forth seperately, and was put to a vote. Both Jason's...by all means, let's get back to smoking...not arguing. If this was not enouhg, you are entitled to your opinion. This decision was not made by one, or reported by one person.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    aeon leaving the boards isn't something that would strengthen the community(he should however not participate in trades if he can't complete his end of things in a timely manner).. I obviously don't know the full story, but I believe what he's said so far in this thread.. Seems to be a deal that has just gone very poorly as opposed to an actual scam..

    my .02
    It goes much deeper, it's easy to read his side and feel sympathetic. I feel bad for the guy. But to jump in and say you believe him without wanting to know exactly what he did that led to this is a little smack to the face of the people who were burned. Multiple people were taken by him, are they all wrong? The evidence I've says they are not. Also the money was the icing on the cake, there were several things before that. This forum isn't full of A holes looking to kick people off, he did this to himself.

    taking the chance that you might respond back with "I don't care". I hope the next person that wants to post saying they believe aeon will seek out the full story through PM before taking his situation to heart.
    If the first post was lacking, then post the full story. If somebody is going to get blasted, whichever side, don't do it half-a$$ed.
    I didn't think the first post was lacking at all. It pointed out that at least 3 people were taken. I wanted to know more and PM'd for more info. Now knowing all of it, what he did was wrong. I don't think everything was posted cuz not everyone is going to care. If you want to know more PM Catfish, if not, don't.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Let's get back to smoking people...that's waht this is all about. Lesson learned, if you can't send out your end of a trade/pass/bomb...don't get involved.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Let's get back to smoking people...that's waht this is all about. Lesson learned, if you can't send out your end of a trade/pass/bomb...don't get involved.
    BIG. ++1 to this.
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    Let's get back to smoking people...that's waht this is all about. Lesson learned, if you can't send out your end of a trade/pass/bomb...don't get involved.
    BIG. ++1 to this.
    That's the reason I dropped out of the east coast/wrong coast war.was having some trouble and didn't wanna screw someone. Now all I can say is I HATE SQUASH
  • robertgreen30robertgreen30 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,922
    We all have a responsibility to protect the integrity and culture of the forum. Without policing and enforcing ethics this place becomes regular and no longer a safe haven for the unique people who participate in our community. The culture of generosity and genuine care needs to be upheld to the strictest of standards. That being said we all have an outside life and distractions. However it how an individual handles this adversity that determines there character. I believe the correct outcome will be achieved once all parties are reimbursed, restitution is made and participation is ceased.
    The situation was definately eye opening. However, I hope that this situation does not discourage or make people timid to participate. This is obviously an abortion. I know that I will continue to rape and pillage you bastards. THIS INCLUDES YOU NEWER GUYS MORE SO THAN EVER.
    Thank you to those who stepped up to uphold the values of our community.
    Now play nice Steve, us newbs don't want to get you upset
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    Let's get back to smoking people...that's waht this is all about. Lesson learned, if you can't send out your end of a trade/pass/bomb...don't get involved.
    BIG. ++1 to this.
    That's the reason I dropped out of the east coast/wrong coast war.was having some trouble and didn't wanna screw someone. Now all I can say is I HATE SQUASH
    Wrong coast??,,,huh,,,,,interesting,,,,anything else youd like to say???/hmmmm..lol
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    The Kid:
    Let's get back to smoking people...that's waht this is all about. Lesson learned, if you can't send out your end of a trade/pass/bomb...don't get involved.
    BIG. ++1 to this.
    That's the reason I dropped out of the east coast/wrong coast war.was having some trouble and didn't wanna screw someone. Now all I can say is I HATE SQUASH
    Wrong coast??,,,huh,,,,,interesting,,,,anything else youd like to say???/hmmmm..lol
    Hell yeah! BEETS SUCK TOO
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    This is a difficult and quite sensitive issue for many members here, but I believe that Dustin has said it best... let's get back to smoking brothers and sisters. This was posted to help those unaware of a poor situation, not to become a point to argue and bicker about. We have all been through and seen the ups and downs on here, lets not let this become a larger let down that it needs to be, and most importantly HOLD TOGETHER so that we may all still be the strong, kind, and TOLERANT community that we have worked so hard to become. I will argue with no one and hope that the time I have spent here has proven my dedication to not just making this a better place for us all, but to be kind and tolerant even when things look dark. Dustin, Jason, and everyone else involved... thank you for the troubles and work you all went through for this and lets let it go and head back to smoke some killer cigars ;) Ryan, best of luck and better wishes in the future... please take this as a learning opportunity and do not repeat these mistakes again.
  • robertgreen30robertgreen30 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,922
    90+ Irishman:
    This is a difficult and quite sensitive issue for many members here, but I believe that Dustin has said it best... let's get back to smoking brothers and sisters. This was posted to help those unaware of a poor situation, not to become a point to argue and bicker about. We have all been through and seen the ups and downs on here, lets not let this become a larger let down that it needs to be, and most importantly HOLD TOGETHER so that we may all still be the strong, kind, and TOLERANT community that we have worked so hard to become. I will argue with no one and hope that the time I have spent here has proven my dedication to not just making this a better place for us all, but to be kind and tolerant even when things look dark. Dustin, Jason, and everyone else involved... thank you for the troubles and work you all went through for this and lets let it go and head back to smoke some killer cigars ;) Ryan, best of luck and better wishes in the future... please take this as a learning opportunity and do not repeat these mistakes again.
    AM. Brother
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