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Mystery Stick Game



  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Cigar B was actually my favorite cigar, a RP Decade. You nailed C though, it was indeed a Man O War Ruination. Glad you enjoyed them all. :)
    Thanks again Tony they were great.

    You know, after this little test, I may have to revisit the RP Decades. I have only had a few, didn't like any of them and gave up on 'em.
    That "B" Stick, in that size was very tasty, so maybe I got a run of bad ones or I just didn't enjoy the Vitola of the others but this one was pretty tasty.
    I don't know where I came up with the Regent, except that it is also another stick I have only had several of, and they were all quite some time ago. I find I like particular size sticks in some lines whereas I don't enjoy the same stick in a different size. Most Churchills are like that for me... I just don't enjoy them. Give me a Toro or Corona.
    So, I went 1 for 3. booooo
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    Yeah, the Toro is my favorite size for the Decade. I know the Torpedo is the one that was rated 95 and gets all the press, but the Toro just does it for me. I remember you saying you weren't too hot on the Decade, thats why I sent it. And you really got like 1.5 out of 3 right, you were damn close on the first one.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Yeah, the Toro is my favorite size for the Decade. I know the Torpedo is the one that was rated 95 and gets all the press, but the Toro just does it for me. I remember you saying you weren't too hot on the Decade, thats why I sent it. And you really got like 1.5 out of 3 right, you were damn close on the first one.
    Does C.COM do the Decades? I see they aren't listed, but I thought someone said they have them. Might have to see what a 5'er of those would set me back.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    If you call them I know you can Decade seconds. You can most likely get the firsts as well over the phone, but really man, the seconds are every bit as good.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    If you call them I know you can Decade seconds. You can most likely get the firsts as well over the phone, but really man, the seconds are every bit as good.
    Thanks Tony !
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    I'll just throw out a little reminder here that I am still looking for a mooch. What, you think you all are too good for my cigars? Is that it?
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I'll just throw out a little reminder here that I am still looking for a mooch. What, you think you all are too good for my cigars? Is that it?
    I know I would jump all over the offer if I was elligible. I can't believe nobody has has yet.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    I'll just throw out a little reminder here that I am still looking for a mooch. What, you think you all are too good for my cigars? Is that it?
    Just checked and it has been over two weeks, so I will be your mooch Joe!
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    Good deal Tony, I'll get something headed your way by Monday. I'm assuming your info is still the same? Now to start thinking about "congrats new daddy" extras. :)
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    Yep, address should be the same. Can't wait to get 'em! Now, who wants to by my mystery mooch?
  • TheShaunTheShaun Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 425
    Alien, I'll be your mooch if you're willing to send them to my neck of the woods. PM me and let me know.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    Yeppers, just need your addy.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    I got in a mystery stick selection of cigars from Doug (laker) today. I fired up Cigar A upon hitting my front porch after work today. It was a toro sized cigars prolly 6 x 50 (maybe 52) ring guage with a reddish wrapper that was slightly oily. It looked good and lit up fantastically. Upon reaching some core flavors, I could tell, it was rich with nicauraguan tobacco. Notes of wood and spice were throughout. It burned a bit uneven, but never out of control. Had great flavor the whole way down and seemed to reach into the full bodied spectrum ever so slightly. I couldn't put my finger exactly on this stick, but I thought it was Padilla-esque in flavor profile.

    I'm gonna guess at this with the Padilla Signature 32, but I wouldn't be suprised if I was wrong. Great cigar though, thanks Doug. I'm looking forward to the others.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    {Buzzer sounds} Nope That one was an Alec Bradley Maxx Brazil. This is a fairly new stick for me.Only had a couple. They are tasty.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    {Buzzer sounds} Nope That one was an Alec Bradley Maxx Brazil. This is a fairly new stick for me.Only had a couple. They are tasty.
    I knew that couldn't be right. Still a good cigar. Thanks again.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    I started cigar b tonight after a meeting and smoked it on the way home. Before even lighting it up, I knew I would have trouble identifying it. This torpedo (about 6 x 54) had a light brown color wrapper that was streaky and somewhat oily. I appeared to be a bit fragile as it suffered a few cracks before and during smoking it. Regardless of the wrapper cracking, it burned impeccably and the first ash held on past the two inch mark. It started with a bit of spice but mellowed out to a creamier smoke with hints of wood and spice. It was a prolly medium in body, but was full of flavor and was constructed magnificently. I can not put my finger on anything that stood out in any past experience so I have to guess at this.

    I'm guessing a CAO Criollo.
  • TheShaunTheShaun Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 425
    Alien has a package headed my way, but it won't arrive for a while, and any package I send won't arrive for a while.... so in the spirit of the game and to keep things moving, I utter the words:

    Who wants to be my mooch?
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    Don't want to hijack Shaun's mooch proposition, but I do have something to bring up in regards to the game.

    In the interest of keeping this to a low level of confusion, I'm wondering if we shouldn't wait until one person does all their guessing for the next person to start. My reasoning for this is that right now three packages are making their way towards the next guessers...I don't know when Tat sent mine, so it could land tomorrow or who knows when. I sent Tony's today and Shaun has one coming. If all of us were to start guessing within days of each other, it might lead to some confusion. I'm not proposing a halt to the mooching/sending of packs, but just an order to who guesses next. Any thoughts?
  • TheShaunTheShaun Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 425
    Good thought Joe, luckily things will slow down on their own. Alien's package won't arrive to me for at least two weeks, and my package won't get to it's recipient for at least two weeks. That's why I offered mine up so quickly. Maybe the person who takes me up can hold off for a bit.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    That's a good point. Maybe my concerns are unwarranted...we'll have to see how it all plays out. I certainly don't want to disrupt the game since it has been working pretty well so far.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    I started cigar b tonight after a meeting and smoked it on the way home. Before even lighting it up, I knew I would have trouble identifying it. This torpedo (about 6 x 54) had a light brown color wrapper that was streaky and somewhat oily. I appeared to be a bit fragile as it suffered a few cracks before and during smoking it. Regardless of the wrapper cracking, it burned impeccably and the first ash held on past the two inch mark. It started with a bit of spice but mellowed out to a creamier smoke with hints of wood and spice. It was a prolly medium in body, but was full of flavor and was constructed magnificently. I can not put my finger on anything that stood out in any past experience so I have to guess at this.

    I'm guessing a CAO Criollo.
    just want to bump this for doug
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I started cigar b tonight after a meeting and smoked it on the way home. Before even lighting it up, I knew I would have trouble identifying it. This torpedo (about 6 x 54) had a light brown color wrapper that was streaky and somewhat oily. I appeared to be a bit fragile as it suffered a few cracks before and during smoking it. Regardless of the wrapper cracking, it burned impeccably and the first ash held on past the two inch mark. It started with a bit of spice but mellowed out to a creamier smoke with hints of wood and spice. It was a prolly medium in body, but was full of flavor and was constructed magnificently. I can not put my finger on anything that stood out in any past experience so I have to guess at this.

    I'm guessing a CAO Criollo.
    just want to bump this for doug
    EEEEEW, 0 for 2 Brandon. The second stick was a Rocky Patel Sungrown. These are very good with some age on them. I found the same as you mentioned tho, they do have rather delicate wrappers that are very fragile when aged some and they break or flake quite easily.
    I can't wait to see what you think of #3.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    I started cigar b tonight after a meeting and smoked it on the way home. Before even lighting it up, I knew I would have trouble identifying it. This torpedo (about 6 x 54) had a light brown color wrapper that was streaky and somewhat oily. I appeared to be a bit fragile as it suffered a few cracks before and during smoking it. Regardless of the wrapper cracking, it burned impeccably and the first ash held on past the two inch mark. It started with a bit of spice but mellowed out to a creamier smoke with hints of wood and spice. It was a prolly medium in body, but was full of flavor and was constructed magnificently. I can not put my finger on anything that stood out in any past experience so I have to guess at this.

    I'm guessing a CAO Criollo.
    just want to bump this for doug
    EEEEEW, 0 for 2 Brandon. The second stick was a Rocky Patel Sungrown. These are very good with some age on them. I found the same as you mentioned tho, they do have rather delicate wrappers that are very fragile when aged some and they break or flake quite easily.
    I can't wait to see what you think of #3.
    Can't say I'm too embarrased. i've only had the Sungrown on one other occasion. This one was far better than the previous one I had. It must have been the age. I do appreciate it though. I should be firing up cigar C in about 20 minutes or so.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    Cigar C seems to be the most complex of the cigars Laker sent. This box pressed toro measures in around 6"x 48 and has an oily reddish hued wrapper. The prelight draw had a noticeable cocoa/coffee-ish hint to it and it started off pretty strong with some pepper and sweetness. This stick suffered from some burn issues and required some touch ups throughout. I thought I noticed some nicarauguan flavor in there, but that disappated and went to a more earthy quality to it making me think more honduran. It remained pretty peppery and sweet and had some fruity notes to it. It remained full bodied and got more flavorful as the cigar burned down. As I got down to the last third, the pepper became even more noticeable, while sweet notes continued to dance around it.

    While there were some recognizeable qualities to this cigar, I don't think I've had it before. So, once again, I'll have to make a guess.

    With the shape, wrapper, and flavor profile in mind, I'm going to guess the Gurkha Micro Batch VH-7
  • JdoraisJdorais Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 653
    Alien has a package headed my way, but it won't arrive for a while, and any package I send won't arrive for a while.... so in the spirit of the game and to keep things moving, I utter the words:

    Who wants to be my mooch?

    I do I do! Since I had such a great experience the last time I played I ready for another go!

  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Cigar C seems to be the most complex of the cigars Laker sent. This box pressed toro measures in around 6"x 48 and has an oily reddish hued wrapper. The prelight draw had a noticeable cocoa/coffee-ish hint to it and it started off pretty strong with some pepper and sweetness. This stick suffered from some burn issues and required some touch ups throughout. I thought I noticed some nicarauguan flavor in there, but that disappated and went to a more earthy quality to it making me think more honduran. It remained pretty peppery and sweet and had some fruity notes to it. It remained full bodied and got more flavorful as the cigar burned down. As I got down to the last third, the pepper became even more noticeable, while sweet notes continued to dance around it.

    While there were some recognizeable qualities to this cigar, I don't think I've had it before. So, once again, I'll have to make a guess.

    With the shape, wrapper, and flavor profile in mind, I'm going to guess the Gurkha Micro Batch VH-7
    On the nose sir ! Both your guess and your review. These are a pretty complex stick. Full bore all the way and changing flavors and nuances thruout. Sorry to hear about the burn issues. Are these sticks because of their smaller gauge something you would not normally try? Being a bigger guy I mean...

    I thought of that after I sent them out, but then I rationalised that you would have a lot less of a challenge with the bigger gauge sticks. I know you have tried a vast number of different brands and lines, so I was hoping to send you out some things you wouldn't normally opt for yourself.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    Cigar C seems to be the most complex of the cigars Laker sent. This box pressed toro measures in around 6"x 48 and has an oily reddish hued wrapper. The prelight draw had a noticeable cocoa/coffee-ish hint to it and it started off pretty strong with some pepper and sweetness. This stick suffered from some burn issues and required some touch ups throughout. I thought I noticed some nicarauguan flavor in there, but that disappated and went to a more earthy quality to it making me think more honduran. It remained pretty peppery and sweet and had some fruity notes to it. It remained full bodied and got more flavorful as the cigar burned down. As I got down to the last third, the pepper became even more noticeable, while sweet notes continued to dance around it.

    While there were some recognizeable qualities to this cigar, I don't think I've had it before. So, once again, I'll have to make a guess.

    With the shape, wrapper, and flavor profile in mind, I'm going to guess the Gurkha Micro Batch VH-7
    On the nose sir ! Both your guess and your review. These are a pretty complex stick. Full bore all the way and changing flavors and nuances thruout. Sorry to hear about the burn issues. Are these sticks because of their smaller gauge something you would not normally try? Being a bigger guy I mean...

    I thought of that after I sent them out, but then I rationalised that you would have a lot less of a challenge with the bigger gauge sticks. I know you have tried a vast number of different brands and lines, so I was hoping to send you out some things you wouldn't normally opt for yourself.
    You are correct in choosing sticks that I wouldn't normally smoke. Not because of the ring guage...I actually enjoy smaller ring guaged smokes a bit more. I'm not much of a Gurkha fan and that keeps me from trying every one of there seemingly growing collection of cigars. I was impressed with the VH-7 though. I do enjoy a few of the RP lines, but haven't tried quantity of many, they normally don't stand out to me much. The sun grown you sent me falls in there, it was good, but nothing I'm doing handsprings over. I'm still pretty new to the AB lines, and have enjoyed the ones I have tried, including the Maxx Brazil you sent. I appreciate the sticks and the opportunity to try some new stuff blind.
  • TheShaunTheShaun Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 425
    Alien has a package headed my way, but it won't arrive for a while, and any package I send won't arrive for a while.... so in the spirit of the game and to keep things moving, I utter the words:

    Who wants to be my mooch?

    I do I do! Since I had such a great experience the last time I played I ready for another go!

    PM sent!
  • JdoraisJdorais Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 653
    Alien has a package headed my way, but it won't arrive for a while, and any package I send won't arrive for a while.... so in the spirit of the game and to keep things moving, I utter the words:

    Who wants to be my mooch?

    I do I do! Since I had such a great experience the last time I played I ready for another go!

    PM sent!

    back at ya!
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    Got Joe's sticks in today, I should start with Cigar A tomorrow.
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