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Another Bear Victim (aka Blind Trade w/ Greg)

SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
For some reason last week, I thought it would be a good idea to agree to a blind trade with Greg. That moment of horrible forethought came to fruition yesterday. Thankfully, my driveway is about 1000 ft long and the only thing damaged from the devastation was my mailbox. And my maillady. And a few dog walkers. And about 6 vehicles. Overall, I would say it was totally worth it when I rummaged through the debis and found these: IMAG0188 IMAG0189 I can proudly say, I tussled with the bear and have managed to live to tell the tale. Not only that, I have some amazing cigars to enjoy while I contemplate my near-fatal mistake. Thanks again Greg!


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