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500th Post Contest -- 0patience is the winner!

SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
500th Post Contest Well everybody, after about four months, I have finally hit my first milestone post. I have to admit, these last few months have been tons of fun. Initially, I didn’t envision myself really participating in all the passes, trades and bombs. Then Bandyt09 sent me a welcome bomb. Then I was the recipient of a newb contest bomb from Rhamlin. It was pretty much game over at that point. So after shipping out nearly 30 boxes in the last few months, I’m going to make one of you earn my next bomb. So let us begin. My screen name is SleevePlz (sleeve please). I came up with this name years ago to use online after realizing that I said it every morning as I went through the drive-through to get my morning coffee on my way to work. The coffee cup without a sleeve is so ungodly hot, I was always amazed that I had to ask for a sleeve everyday. Why do they assume I want to burn my hand while holding my coffee? Thus this screen name was born. Now for the actual contest: Question #1 Which chain restaurant’s drive-through was I going through each day? Question #2 How many cigars do I currently have? (I’m going to count them right now) In order to win, you must first get question #1 right. From the people that get question #1 right, the person with the closest guess for question #2 will be the winner. So don’t feel like your answer for #1 has to be different than everyone else, but your #2 answer should probably be unique. And once again, thank you to everyone here. I've said it before, but it can't be said enough. This forum is like a family, complete with crazy uncles that do the most insane things imaginable. Good luck everybody. Worst case, if you don't win, I'll probably bomb you eventually anyways. After all, I'm just getting warmed up.


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