Hello. Snoobie here again. I realized that when I have various cigars, typically towards the latter third of the cigar, I get a musk. This may sound gross but I really dig it. When I say various cigars, I can't exactly isolate it to certain types. I've gotten it with claros (LFD), aged cameroon wrappers, and for the most part most ISOMs (Cohibas, JOs). But with ISOMs, I typically get it throughout the entire cigar. Any ideas? Would love to get your inputs misters.
I'm just thinking out loud, but I would narrow it down more to like an earthy musk, a stale musk or a nutrient or something, and then you can start to figure out why it's happening.
it is nothing short of amazing.
Come on Kuzi, try to keep up. LOL!
threw me for a loop.
With Cubans, it only really comes through on very fresh or very aged cigars, in my experience. The mix when the Cuban "twang" and the musk start to intermingle make the complexity and profile that puts Cuban cigars on a pedestal. It has to be experienced to be recognized or described.