So what are you having to celebrate today with. Me I thought I'd start the day off wit an AKA Hybrid. Gonna be a real busy day of work today so this might be my only chance.
Since I will get a rare and unexpected chance to smoke in morning. I'm thinking either a My Father "S" but seeing your pic might make me light up my last AKA Respect.
ok gonna be serious again. I think I'm getting tired that's why. So for tomorrow I am thinking Anejo shark from 2009. I love these things. What I really want is to dig into the Camachos Dustin sent me but I'm gonna be a good little kikoman boy and let it first rest.
JDN Dark to start off with, then DPG blue FIRECRACKER!!! Then who knows on course have LH Core Chisel, and 5 Vegas AAA pack in todays case for the golf course!!!
Happy 4th all. Starting with a Virtue right now but after that don't really know. Even when I set a line up for the day, I usually grab what I feel like smoking at the time anyway. Ain't America great!
A Padilla Limitado, just what I grabbed out of the humi. 3rd smoke in 4 days. Company gave us two days off for the 4th, so I'm sitting here in the desert, drinking some beers, smoking, and relaxing. Happy Birthday to my motherland!
Guess I'll go with one from the CAO 4 for the 4th box, then try the Oliva V lancero that I picked up two of at my local the other day. Have not had either one, so it will be a new experience, good or bad.
I had my Celebratory smoke of the finalized adoption this morning because it was way too crazy here last night to commit to slowly enjoying it. It was my very first Opus X. One of the B&Ms I shop at had Belicosos and Perfectos for $10, and I grabbed 5 to pass out to my friends.
I plan to have an Oliva V, an Undercrown, and a Liga Privada. I haven't decided on the others, though. Today will definitely be a 7 cigar day. I hope to smoke 8 to 10, but I'm confident that I will enjoy 7. Happy Independence Day! God bless our troops, and damn those who would do us harm.
Just fired up a big ol' Armada - my first ever. It's been awaiting my call since September of '11. Now it's on active duty, giving its all for my pleasure.
I'm pretty sure this one came with my first COTM shipment and I've been saving it for a special day. Today's the one.
I decided to with a 601 bombs from Rudy...since its a bomb and all. More sweetness the. I thought it would have, good smoke and I'd imagine age would do wonders
Ain't America great!
And an AJ Overrun from MVW/Mike if I get the time.
I plan to have an Oliva V, an Undercrown, and a Liga Privada. I haven't decided on the others, though. Today will definitely be a 7 cigar day. I hope to smoke 8 to 10, but I'm confident that I will enjoy 7. Happy Independence Day! God bless our troops, and damn those who would do us harm.
I'm pretty sure this one came with my first COTM shipment and I've been saving it for a special day. Today's the one.
Happy Fourth of July, everyone.