I've not enjoyed the olivia line that much. I do like the V maduro and am going to try the V nat again here soon. I've got two left so if I do like it it would be the first in the line I like. I haven't had the MB 1 or 2 though I have a 2 sitting (thanks jozer). I wasn't a big fan of the 3. If it makes any difference out of all the other blends I did like the G a little more.... I think I had the one Kuzi suggested as well, can't remember what was more flavorful that or the robusto but I didn't think either was bad. Just not my cup of tea.
I think the Serie O perfecto is pretty good. I also like the G cameroon in the robusto size. It's hard to pick one because they're not the same cigar, I like them equally for different reasons.
I've had the Serie O robusto, got it in a sampler a while back. I liked it, wasn't bad at all. Definitely would try it again, and the other Series too.