I have an electonic humidifier in my cabinet humidor. It's a Hydra. Do I have to worry about the sponge in the Hydra getting moldy over time? Thanks for any helpful suggestions
I have an electonic humidifier in my cabinet humidor. It's a Hydra. Do I have to worry about the sponge in the Hydra getting moldy over time? Thanks for any helpful suggestions
----- Goodness, yes. Those things are a breeding ground for mold. I removed mine and placed those little water crystals from Michael's in it instead. Can't totally remember that they're called by their in the floral section. $3 for a little pouch that absorded more than enough water to fit in the Hydra LG. Been working perfectly.
Beads work well for this as well. I have a couple Cigar Oasis', and yes that sponge will mold up on you over time. You can either order replacement cartridges for them (manufacturer recommends this yearly if Im not mistaken, and they're not outrageous - $10-15 depending) or jerk the foam out of them and replace it with something else (beads, crystals, etc).
Ive always just ordered replacement cartridges because I could never be bothered to figure out how to open up the cartridge to get the foam out in one piece, and the thought of scraping it all out thru that quarter sized hole in the top always seemed like way too much of a pain in the azz for me to bother with. Tell you what - I'll get on that this weekend or early next week and find out for you, and report on it back here. :-)
Beads work well for this as well. I have a couple Cigar Oasis', and yes that sponge will mold up on you over time. You can either order replacement cartridges for them (manufacturer recommends this yearly if Im not mistaken, and they're not outrageous - $10-15 depending) or jerk the foam out of them and replace it with something else (beads, crystals, etc).
Ive always just ordered replacement cartridges because I could never be bothered to figure out how to open up the cartridge to get the foam out in one piece, and the thought of scraping it all out thru that quarter sized hole in the top always seemed like way too much of a pain in the azz for me to bother with. Tell you what - I'll get on that this weekend or early next week and find out for you, and report on it back here. :-)
Hope this helped.
The Hydra is MUCH easier to "mod" than the Cigar Oasis. The top simply slides off and presto! There's the foam brick! Comes right out. No cartridges or anything. At least, that's the case with the LG version.
I have an electonic humidifier in my cabinet humidor. It's a Hydra. Do I have to worry about the sponge in the Hydra getting moldy over time? Thanks for any helpful suggestions
----- Goodness, yes. Those things are a breeding ground for mold. I removed mine and placed those little water crystals from Michael's in it instead. Can't totally remember that they're called by their in the floral section. $3 for a little pouch that absorded more than enough water to fit in the Hydra LG. Been working perfectly.
+1. Removing the foam is easy to do on the Hydra and replacing it with beads/crystals does a couple things, in my opinion. It makes refilling easier, less chance of mold, makes inspecting for mold easier and they seem to last longer between refills. Just my opinion.
Ive always just ordered replacement cartridges because I could never be bothered to figure out how to open up the cartridge to get the foam out in one piece, and the thought of scraping it all out thru that quarter sized hole in the top always seemed like way too much of a pain in the azz for me to bother with. Tell you what - I'll get on that this weekend or early next week and find out for you, and report on it back here. :-)
Hope this helped.