There are a few top cigars that I would probably never buy because of the label. They look cheap and it just turns me off from the get go. Anyone have the same problem?
I wouldn't not smoke a cigar just because of the label, but I do agree that some are cheesy and very gaudy. I hate when a label takes up half of the cigar.
How about no label at all? One of my most memorable smokes was from a vendor in Honduras. There were some cigars in a box at the bar, no label, and pricey too ($5 a piece, which seemed a lot for home made sticks). The bartender said they were rolled by friend down the street. A+ smoke.
Usually cigar bands don't have a big effect on me, but I do get peeved when there is a gigantic band that seems to always get stuck on the wrapper on my stick. I'm looking at you Gurkha.
Usually cigar bands don't have a big effect on me, but I do get peeved when there is a gigantic band that seems to always get stuck on the wrapper on my stick. I'm looking at you Gurkha.
It might be the rum but thats funny as he-ll Garen ...
Usually cigar bands don't have a big effect on me, but I do get peeved when there is a gigantic band that seems to always get stuck on the wrapper on my stick. I'm looking at you Gurkha.
I think the only time I bought a cigar for a label was AVO. Something about the label, I think it is the orange. Other that that, I could not care what the label looks like.
The quality of the label doesn't bother me. I'm not smoking the label. It does annoy me, however, when a label is too large, and they're getting bigger every year it seems.
I probably confused some people by starting this thread. I'm not saying I wouldn't smoke a cigar because of the label, but rather that if I have 6 bucks burning in my pocket and have to decide on one of two cigars that I am not familiar with, I'm going with the nicer label.
Oooohhh, ok, well my answer really hasn't changed all that much, I usually pick a stick that I have been wanting to try, by how it smells or just pick one of my go to sticks. Labels are labels, they go into my cigar band bag.
Are you turned off by tatuajes??? Most of there labels are so simple and cheap looking. But if you have passed up this cigar i am telling you that you are making a sore mistake that you should regret.
The free cuba's - what do you guys think of them ?
It might be the rum but thats funny as he-ll Garen ...
minus the cost, they are ok. a bit on the mild side. they have burn issues if you smoke em too fresh.