I usually fluctuate between my scissors and my punch. Usually what I'll do is punch first and test the draw, the smoke output and what flavors I am pulling out of it. Sometimes, with a punch, I'll get a lot of tar build up so then I will use the scissors and cut it. I always figure if I punch first, I can always use the scissors afterwards, however, if you use the scissors first then there is no way you can punch.
I like a punch on coronas or other small ring gages. And if a cigar feel loose. On bigger cigars especially maduros or other full bodied cigars I usually cut to prevent tar plugs.
I use a PUNCH on almost every smoke, I use my CUTTER for Torpedos only. if U use a PUNCH daily. it will get dull, what I do is I went to the HOME DEPOT, and purchased a round file put it in the PUNCH and lay it on the inner edge and pull towards U turn the PUNCH as U do this it will sharpen the round edge of the PUNCH, hope this helps