We have a truly bizzare Mayoral Race going on this year in town, and some of them take these on line polls seriously. Help me be evil - click below and vote Joey.
Did the link not work for you? You can just go to the Austin Daily Herald web site and vote. Joey is just sort of an odd duck, so I thought it would be cool if he won the poll. The line up we have is so strange you wouldn't even believe it. The web site must not have liked my direct link to the poll, here is a link to the front page of the paper:TO VOTE CLICK HERE
We have a truly bizzare Mayoral Race going on this year in town, and some of them take these on line polls seriously. Help me be evil - click below and vote Joey.
Seems to be stuck in a loop. The page comes up but keeps loading, and loading, and loading..... Well, you get the idea. Can't vote until it stops loading. Sorry.
Thanks for trying jlmarta - are you maybe on a android or iphone or such, they seem not to work for the site. Joey is with in 8 votes now of tying for 1st place. Here is a link to a Joey video when he ran for the state house. YOUTUBELINK
Thanks for trying jlmarta - are you maybe on a android or iphone or such, they seem not to work for the site. Joey is with in 8 votes now of tying for 1st place. Here is a link to a Joey video when he ran for the state house. YOUTUBELINK
Yeah, 99% of my 'putering nowadays is done on my iPhone. But about this video - what's with the horrible lip-synching? I take it it's some kind of satire, right? I just don't get the joke.
It won't let me
I live just for the sake of insanity!
Seems to be stuck in a loop. The page comes up but keeps loading, and loading, and loading..... Well, you get the idea. Can't vote until it stops loading. Sorry.
Yeah, 99% of my 'putering nowadays is done on my iPhone. But about this video - what's with the horrible lip-synching? I take it it's some kind of satire, right? I just don't get the joke.
Okay. But if that's his real voice, then why the obvious lip-synching? Just curious......