Whats your favorite smoking spot???
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 22
I was doing a little bit of reading and I thought doughty421 had a great idea about starting a thread of everyones special smoking spot. All honesty im kinda curious to hear all the different preferences. So lets hear it, whats your favourite spot???
But this summer, I feel my favorite place to smoke is going to be on the tractor when I have to mow the fields. I can't wait!
So far right next to the lake at sunrise with my fishing pole in the water would have to be my fav. spot thus far. lol havent had to many opportunity's to do so but that was an excellent morning!!!
backyard with a fire and friends.
man I wish there was something like that around my area...
I miss Montana so much!! Moved to Phoenix in Febuary to finish up school.... I get to head home(Missoula) in July..... can't wait to get back and smoke a stick or 5 out on the dock at my families place on Flathead Lake..... everyone else who is reading this and is NOT from Montana..... Montana Sucks....
Ya know I just tried that last night and it was very euphoric... except i had J.W. black lol
Yesterday we put up the out-door shelter thingy in the back yard. That means my winter smoking area in the garage is officially closed for the summer season and my smoking will be done in the sun or under the stars again as god intended. I'll have to get a couple of pictures this weekend, this is a sweet spot to smoke and think. Love'n it.