Yeah, as one of my friends put it, I got the bacon lung. In all seriousness, it's not all that bad, just the regular flu that decided to camp out in your lungs. Media is blowing this thing way out of proportion. Though a cool tidbit, this strain of swine flu is a "grandkid" of the 1918 influenza bug, so I have history in my body!
Yeah, as one of my friends put it, I got the bacon lung. In all seriousness, it's not all that bad, just the regular flu that decided to camp out in your lungs. Media is blowing this thing way out of proportion. Though a cool tidbit, this strain of swine flu is a "grandkid" of the 1918 influenza bug, so I have history in my body!
There was an Australian micro biologist that works with them little nano buggers and is an expert and said that the swine, bird and the flu are 3 different strains, or had 3 different characteristics that don't form in nature. I'll have to find that article.
Anbody hear from Kasper in a while? Seems like it's been a week or two at least...
Hey luko ( OTSF) I had to sit on a jury trial for a week, and then work six days in a row 16 hours a day.. But I'm back now and catching up on my trade with jOz3r and about a thousand posts. Did I miss anything ?
Anbody hear from Kasper in a while? Seems like it's been a week or two at least...
Hey luko ( OTSF) I had to sit on a jury trial for a week, and then work six days in a row 16 hours a day.. But I'm back now and catching up on my trade with jOz3r and about a thousand posts. Did I miss anything ?
Alex opened the pre-ordering up on the forum blend, and from the look of it they were going fast. I believe he said there would only be 50 of the samplers made. If you wanted in on it, you may want to give them a call.
Anbody hear from Kasper in a while? Seems like it's been a week or two at least...
Hey luko ( OTSF) I had to sit on a jury trial for a week, and then work six days in a row 16 hours a day.. But I'm back now and catching up on my trade with jOz3r and about a thousand posts. Did I miss anything ?
Alex opened the pre-ordering up on the forum blend, and from the look of it they were going fast. I believe he said there would only be 50 of the samplers made. If you wanted in on it, you may want to give them a call.
Kasper, you really shouldn't work so much. It's bad for your smoking career. BTW, if you missed out on the forum blend, let me know and I'll hook you up with one.
Heard from Urby ...working it seems a lot and other things (Life?) ...says to tell everyone hello and he's ok... he may be back soon. I sincerly hope so ...he is missed ...
Heard from Urby ...working it seems a lot and other things (Life?) ...says to tell everyone hello and he's ok... he may be back soon. I sincerly hope so ...he is missed ...